Thursday, October 11, 2012

Algebra 8 - What is This???

Leave a comment explaining what this is (first name and last initial under "Name/URL"...). If you're correct and your explanation makes sense, you'll get an extra credit point :). Answers must be submitted before school starts tomorrow.


J.C per.5 said...

the test scores for the fraction test?

Julia P. said...

These are the results of the fraction pre- test, and the post test we just took. By the looks from the picture most of us improved,greatly on are fractions. :)

Julia R said...

This is our pre-test Fraction scores compared to our post-test fraction scores. :)

Katie B said...

The fractions test. Period 4

Kayla T. said...

fractions post test

Kayla B. said...

it is the grades for the post test.