Monday, October 15, 2012

Period 3

Final EXTRA CREDIT opportunity of the quarter!  Click on Name/URL and post your first name and last initial (no last names!), and respond to the question below.  Responses must be posted by Tuesday night in order to receive the extra credit point.  I will not be posting your responses until after the deadline passes.

Without using a number line, explain two different methods you could use to compare 12.807 and 12.80642.  Clearly explain each method.


Isabella R. said...

1. you can make both numbers have the same number of digits by adding 2 0's to the 12.807.

2. you can look at each digit on both of the numbers to see which one changes and determine which one is greater.


Evan Shepard said...

1. You can compare the two numbers using place value and once you reach a number that is higher or lower; depending on the directions then you would choose your answer.
2. You can add zeros to fill in the place value spots then compare which number is greater or less than.

Natalie B. said...

Method 1: Find the first number to the right of the decimal point that is different than the other number. Whichever number is bigger,is the greater number.

Method 2: You can add zeros to the right of the decimal point until the amount of digits is even for both numbers. Whichever number is bigger is the greater one.

Gaby F. said...

1. You could compare the numbers: 1 & 1, 2 & 2 etc. until you get to the final numbers and you will see which is bigger!
2. Add zeros so it has the same amount of numbers and then you will see which is bigger!

McKenna N. said...

1. The frist way you could compare 12.807 and 12.80642 is by comparing their place values. You compare the first different place value to see which is greater.

2. The second way to compare the numbers is to add more zeros the the decimal. This would make the numbers have the same amount of numbers past the decimal.