Sunday, October 14, 2012

Algebra 8 - you'll want to read this...

There's a great video on Khan Academy that explains the Distributive Property and combining like terms.  Click here to watch it. 

He walks you through an example that he writes in white.  In that example, he comes up with "- 8y" as part of the expression.  Why is it "- 8y" and not "+ 8y"?

Leave a comment below that clearly answers that question.  Remember to click on Name/URL and include your first name, last initial, and math period (example: Jennifer D, period 1).  The deadline is this Wednesday night - I will be posting your responses once the deadline passes.  One extra credit point will be given for responses that include a thorough, accurate explanation.


Mrs. Gunderson said...

Make sure your sound is turned on.

max.s said...

Period 5
Because a negative times a positive always equals a negative.
(EX): -5 X 4= -20

Ethan Pinho Per. 5 said...

-- --
-20 -2(4y)
-20+ -8y
Because -2x4y= [-8y]

See that, i even boxed my answer :)

Joshua C Per.5 said...

Because -2x4y equals -8, its negative because 4 in 4y has no sign.

Kayla T. period 5 said...

because a negative times a positive is a negative, not a positive.

Rachel S. said...

In the example, 7(3y-5)-2(10+4y), 8y is -8y because it is distributed by minus 2, or negative 2.

-Rachel S. Per. 5

Garlon w said...

because a negative times a postive equals a negative -8y