Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Period 6

Final EXTRA CREDIT opportunity of the quarter!  Click on Name/URL and post your first name and last initial (no last names!), and respond to the question below.  Responses must be posted by Wednesday night in order to receive the extra credit point.  I will not be posting your responses until after the deadline passes.

Write three decimals between -24.12 and -24.11 with each decimal containing a different number of digits.  Order your numbers from least to greatest.


Christopher C. said...

-24.12345, -24.1234, -24.123

Callyn H. said...


in order:

Tyler T said...


Sarah E. said...


Mrs. Gunderson said...

Check Infinite Campus. Many of you got 1/2 point for this, but your response isn't posted. This means that something was incorrect. In more cases, you didn't write the numbers in ascending order (remember you're dealing with negative numbers...). Feel free to stop by during homeroom or brunch if you want to see what you did wrong.