Friday, October 5, 2012

Period 3 - Homework


I'm sure you've noticed that junior high and elementary school are very different. Name one thing that you like more about junior high school.

Post your answer as a comment below.  Be sure to post using your name (click on Name/URL) - first name and last initial only.

Enjoy your weekend :)


Kristen W. said...

I love that we have different teachers for each subject and that we have electives (like cooking) :)

Lauren C. said...

I like having 6 different teachers instead of 1, and that we get to have an elective :)

Corie N. said...

I like how we have a lot more freedom during brunch and lunch because, at my elementary school, there wasn't a lot of things to do.

Mrs. Gunderson said...

FYI - I probably won't be posting comments until after school on Monday...

Jonathan Y. said...

One thing I like more about junior high is the block schedule

Isabella R. said...

One thing that I like more about Junior high school is that we don't have the same teacher the entire day, we have one for each subject.

Gaby F. said...

One thing that I like more about Rio is the freedom that we have during lunch and brunch!

Matthew H said...

Shorter school days!

Sebastian W said...

The Block Schedule

Lucas L said...

I think I enjoy the block schedule more because if I accidently forget to do homework(I won't), i have one extra day to complete the assignment.

Mark T said...

the class times and the way the classes are arranged and the nicer teachers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i saw this on this test ;^))

Megan D. said...

My favorite thing about Jr. High is that you have two days to finish you homework.

Kristen S said...

there are more teachers :)

Kianna S. said...

I like junior high better because you have a lot more freedom! You get to sit wherever you want at lunch and brunch.

Bobby O. said...

I like that we have much more freedom than in elementary school.

Alec C. said...

More freedom at brunch and lunch

Chris F said...

The one thing that i like better about rio norte than my elementary school is the block schedule. I like the schedule because you usually never have to have all your same classes in one day.

Zack Parker said...

I like junior high more than elementary school because we have more freedom. In my elementary school if we sat at a table other than the one that our class was assigned to we would get in trouble.

Sophia L. said...

I like how we get to take an elective.

McKenna N. said...

I like junior high more than elementary school because of the block schedle. :)

Brandon M. said...

A class that you mostly get to choose, by that I mean electives.

Natalie B. said...

I enjoy having more freedom. :)

Emilio G. said...

You are allowed to use cellphones on campus.

Nicole Huey said...

The dances

Monica C said...

I like that you get to change classes and you get to move around in between classes so you are not stuck at a desk all day long!

jenna d. said...

i like the freedom of being able to roam the campus at lunch instead of having to sit at a table and eat

Kevin Wongvitavas said...

I like how there are electives like technology, cooking and other stuff *<[:)]

kyla h. said...

One thing I like better about jr. high is that you dont have to sit at a class table at lunchtime with none of your friends.:)

Adrian Q. said...

One thing I like more in Junior high is that we get different teachers for each subject which makes each class more interesting and fun.

Perry said...

I like how we have a little more freedom than elementary school, we get to roam around campus unlike elementary where we have to stay in a certain area to finish our snacks or lunches.

Monica B. said...

I like having more freedom and many different teachers.

Evan Shepard said...

More independence and room to roam

Paxton Cudd said...

I like that we only have 3 periods a day so we get an extra day for home work.