Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Period 5 and 6 - Extra Credit!

Friday is the last day of the quarter, and you have one more unit test...  I want to be sure you know exactly where you stand in the class before you take the Unit 3 Test on Thursday.  Go to your math grade in Campus Portal and find three grades - your current ('in progress") grade, your test/quiz average, and your homework average.  Look only at the numbers to the right of the decimal - these are the numbers you are going to post. I will be able to verify the numbers you post, but nobody else will know what the numbers represent (34, for example, could represent 98.34% or 62.34%...).

Example: Mike Smith from period 4 has a current class grade of 91.36, a test/quiz average of 93.78, and a homework average of 85.02...  His comment would say:

Name/URL:  Mike S.

period 4
Class: 36
Test: 78
Homework: 02

This extra credit opportunity expires at 9:00 PM on Wednesday, October 16... Tell your friends :)

Check back before the deadline to make sure it posted...  If it doesn't get posted, it means either that it didn't go through or that you made a mistake with the information - and you'll need to check the info and do it again.  Remember, though, that it won't post immediately - I have to okay it first.


Andrew J. said...

Period 5
Class: 05
Test: 26
Homework: 23

Teddy K. said...

Period: 6
Class: 14
Test: 27
Homework: 5

Kyla W said...

Kyla W.
Period 6
Class: 95
Test: 51
Homework: 50

Mrs. Gunderson said...

Remember to post your first name and last initial - I don't post last names on here. If you tried to leave a comment with your last name, you'll need to redo it before the deadline tonight...

Nick M. said...

Nick M.
Period 5
Class: 46
Test: 52
Homework: 00

Joe S. said...

Joe S.
Period 6
Class: 43
Test: 21
Homework: 62

Tanner T said...

Period: 5
Class: 33
Test: 90
Homework: 67

Davina W. said...


Ben Grant said...

Ben G.
Period 6

Dylan L said...


Danielle L said...

Period 6
Homework page 515

Mark T. said...

i sent mine to you but its not posted here

Mrs. Gunderson said...

Mark - it most likely means that someone was done incorrectly. You might have posted the wrong numbers??? In the future, be sure to check to see that it's posted before the due date..