Monday, October 14, 2013

Periods 2 and 3 - Extra Credit

Friday is the last day of the quarter, and you have one more unit test...  I want to be sure you know exactly where you stand in the class before you take the Unit 3 Test on Wednesday.  Go to your math grade in Campus Portal and find three grades - your current ('in progress") grade, your test/quiz average, and your homework average.  Look only at the numbers to the right of the decimal - these are the numbers you are going to post. I will be able to verify the numbers you post, but nobody else will know what the numbers represent (34, for example, could represent 98.34% or 62.34%...).

Example: Mike Smith from period 4 has a current class grade of 91.36, a test/quiz average of 93.78, and a homework average of 85.02...  His comment would say:

Name/URL:  Mike S.

period 4
Class: 36
Test: 78
Homework: 02

This extra credit opportunity expires at 9:00 PM on Tuesday, October 15... Tell your friends :)

Check back before the deadline to make sure it posted...  If it doesn't get posted, it means either that it didn't go through or that you made a mistake with the information - and you'll need to check the info and do it again.  Remember, though, that it won't post immediately - I have to okay it first.


Monet N said...

Period 3
Class: 36
Test: 71
Homework: 54

Monica C said...

period 3
class: 57
test: 06
homework: 07

Kayla H said...

Period: 2
Class: 89
Test: 99
Homework: 0

Kevin W. said...

Period: 3