Saturday, September 14, 2013

Algebra - Extra Credit Opportunity :)

Go to page 147 and look at problem 3 (Furniture)...  Read the information in the problem and think about how you would solve it algebraically. 

Leave a comment below (type your first name and last initial where it says Name/URL) that includes the following:
1. Identify the variable (what variable are you using, and what does it represent?).
2. Write the two-step equation that will help you solve this problem.
3. Give the solution (don't forget to label it, and make sure it is reasonable for what the problem is asking).

Do not include any of the work in your comment; do that on scratch paper.  You don't need to use two different methods like the problem says.  Your comment should include only the three things listed above.

You must submit your response by 6:00 PM on Tuesday, September 17, in order to get the extra credit point.  I will not be posting any of your responses until after that time. 


1 comment:

Mrs. Gunderson said...

Check Infinite Campus - I'm adding the extra credit point for those of you who did this problem correctly. Your answer should have looked something like this:

1. c = # of chairs
2. 35c + 220 = 370
3. 4 chairs