Saturday, September 14, 2013

Math 8 - Extra Credit :)

Even though (-4) ^0  and -4 ^0 look quite similar, they are completely different.  Give the answer to each of the two expressions, and explain why the answers are different.

Leave a comment below (type your first name and last initial - no last names! - where it says Name/URL) that includes the following:
1. the period you have math
2. the solution to (-4) ^0
3. the solution to -4 ^0
4. the explanation telling why they are different.  How do you arrive at the correct answer for each of the two expressions? Make sure that your explanation is thorough while trying to keep it relatively brief.  

In order to receive the extra credit point, you must submit your response by 6:00 PM on Tuesday, September 17.  I will not be posting any of your responses until after that time.  Good luck!

1 comment:

Mrs. Gunderson said...

The solution should look something like this:

(-4)^0 = 1
-4^0 = -1

In the first example, the entire number (-4) is being raised to the power of zero - and we know that any number to the power of 0 equals 1.

Because there are no parentheses in the second example, it is saying "the opposite of 4 to the power of 0." We know that 4 to the power of 0 equals 1, so the opposite of that would be -1.

If you submitted an answer to this before 6:00 today, check Infinite Campus to see your score.