Thursday, December 13, 2012

Algebra 8


Mrs. Gunderson said...

Answers to Benchmark Review #2:

1. w = 20
2. x = 5
3. x = 1
4. m = 3
5. c = 5
6. m = 3
7. k = 5
8. m = 9
9. $13.86
10. $1,050
11. $25.98 deducted; $38.97 sale price
12. 1,008 miles
13. 175 miles
14. 7.5 inches or 7½ inches
15. $13.28
16. $3.58
17. 0.765
18. 1.5002
19. 2.50153
20. 4.832

If you checked your answers, leave a comment below. First name and last initial next to Name/URL, and then type your math period as a comment. Post must be done by Sunday night to get the point :)

Tamara A said...

Period 5

Sumeeyah H said...

Period 4

Joshua C said...

Period 5

Julia P. said...

per. 4

Ian H said...

Period 4

MaddiU said...

Period 4

Matt R said...
