Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Algebra 8 BM Review

The answers, as promised...

1.  x = 51
2.  x = 124
3.  x < -3
4.  x <  1/3
5.  x > 2 4/7
6.  x = -11
7.  x = 9
8.  x = 105/4
9.  x = 9
10.  x = -43
11.  x = 1
12.  x = 1
13.  9 2/7 hours
14.  48 hours
15.  100 g
16.  96 miles
17.  m "is less than or equal to" 15
18.  2.6

If you checked your answers and would like an extra credit point for doing so, leave a comment below.  Type your first name and last initial after "Name/URL," and leave your math period as a comment.  Happy studying - and good for you for checking :)


Julia P. said...


Reina P. said...

Period 4

Bethanie R. said...

period 5

Mrs. Gunderson said...

Since this benchmark review is due tomorrow, your name must be posted here by tonight (12-12-12) in order to receive the extra credit point.

Kayla B. said...

Period 4

Joshua C said...


Sumeeyah H said...

Period 4

Kayla T. said...

period 5

Tamara A said...

Period 5

Garlon.w said...

Period 5

Matt R said...

period 4

Rachel S. said...

Per. 5

Mat B said...

Period 5

Ian H said...

Per. 4