Friday, December 14, 2012

My Christmas/Hanukkah/Holiday Gift to You :)


The deadline for this is 11:59 PM on Monday, December 17... 

I'm letting each of you drop one homework score from the second quarter.  Go into Infinite Campus and look at your homework scores.  An "ex" score means it had no impact on your grade, so there would be no point in dropping that.  Find your lowest score and look at the name of that assignment.

Go to the post below for your math period and leave a comment there.  Type your first name and last initial (no last names) after "Name/URL" and then write the name of the assignment you wish to drop.  Do not write the score - simply write the assignment name.

Merry Christmas - Happy Hanukkah - Happy Holidays :)


nikki p said...

thanks Ms Schranz!

Kevin W. said...

Thanks, Miss Schranz!!!


Mrs. Gunderson said...

If you posted the assignment you want me to drop and it isn't appearing, please try again. There were a few that I didn't post for various reasons: the assignment was from quarter 1, first name and last initial wasn't after "Name/URL," or the post wasn't written under the correct math period. Check to make sure your comment was published - if not, try it again before Monday night! :)

Sophia A. said...

Ummm Mrs. Schranz what if all the assignments we have had are 100% if we drop one of those will it help or hurt our grade ? ? ?

Mrs. Gunderson said...

Sophia - the fact that all of your HW assignments are 100% is pretty awesome - good for you! If you've gotten any extra credit, then you're best to drop one of the assignments (it doesn't matter which one). If you haven't gotten any extra credit, then it doesn't make a difference whether you drop one or not.

Mrs. Gunderson said...

If you wrote a comment and it isn't posted, reread this post and make sure you're following the directions...

Also - be sure you're choosing an assignment from the second quarter (not the first quarter). Pre-algebra's first assignment of Q2 was pg. 139; Algebra 8's first assignment was one-step equations...