Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Math 8 Homework

In the Math 8 folder under "Handouts," you'll find your homework (SYSTEMS REVIEW). Print a copy of this and begin preparing for your unit test next week. This review packet isn't due until the day of the test, but don't wait until the last minute.  I will be posting the answers under "Handouts," so be sure to come back and look. 

On test day, you'll begin the test as soon as you walk in the door (there won't be time to ask questions that day).  If you do this review ahead of time, you'll have a few days where you can come in at brunch if you need help. Please take advantage of this!

I would also HIGHLY suggest printing multiple copies of this review packet for yourself.  The more you practice, the more likely you are to do well on the test.  More practice also typically results in a smaller chance of running out of time on the test.  Practice practice practice!!!

If you are unable to print from home, feel free to come see me during brunch and you can print one in the core.

And finally (I'm glad you're still reading...), here's another extra credit opportunity.  Leave a comment below with your name (first name and last initial) and math period.  As a comment, write a complete sentence that has exactly 7 words - it can be about anything!  Do this by this Thursday at 8:00 PM for an extra credit point :)


Alyssa A, period 6 said...

I love to eat lots of food :)

Anonymous said...

Teo S. Period: 2

Hot Cheetos and Takis are in season.

Anonymous said...

Matthew M. Period 6

I like to eat vanilla frozen yogurt.

Anonymous said...

Katie H. Per.4 The marching band today was super awesome

Anonymous said...

Joseph R. Period 6;
Pancakes are not good with some mustard!

Anonymous said...

Hye Lynn S. Period 6 All ducks are very fluffy and cute

Anonymous said...

Jackie R. Period 4 My favorite thing to do is golf.

Heather W. said...

Heather W.
Period 6
I enjoy doing substitution in math class.

Bridgette A. said...

Bridgette A. period 6.
I can do a standing back-tuck.

Anonymous said...

Daniel R per. 4

Harry saw a duck in the pool.

Unknown said...

Sophia K. P.3
I attend Rio Norte and love minions.

Anonymous said...

Dominic G Period 2
Dominic is a beast and likes math

Anonymous said...

Allyson M. Period 2
The sky was very cloudy this morning.

Anonymous said...

cory g. period 3 I enjoy hanging out with my friends.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan p i cant sit still or jump high

Ashley M said...

Ashley M Period 2
A man jumped off the diving board

Unknown said...

Michael L per.2
I love donuts because they very yummy

Azure S, period 4 said...


Aiden MacIvor said...

Aiden M. Period 2 said...
Batman is Bruce Wayne am I right?