Saturday, March 5, 2016

Math 8 Answers (see comment below)


Mrs. Gunderson said...

Extra credit opportunity - deadline is 8:00 PM the night before your class's homework is due.

Leave a comment with your name (first name, last initial) and math period. Tell which of the three methods of solving linear systems you generally prefer, along with the reason you chose that method.

I will check a few times each day for your comments and will post them then. If you tried to leave a comment, check back BEFORE the deadline to make sure it's there. If it's not there, reread the directions and try again!

Unknown said...

Mason R. period 3. I prefer the graphing method because it is a lot easier to graph the problems and see the solution then to do all the math.

Anonymous said...

Quinn L, Period 2. I find the elimination process the easiest. I find this the easiest way because there are less steps to remember. All you have to do is cross out the numbers that match up, divide, then do the next part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Teo S. P:2 I prefer elimination because it is the simplest, and fastest to do compared to the rest of the options.

Anonymous said...

Teagan b per 3 elimination I like the best because for me it is easier to complete the problem correctly and there is a little bit less work

Carson Barber said...

Austin B Period 3 - I like elimination because its the easiest for me because in the start of an elimination problem, you already have already found a variable

Aiden MacIvor said...

Aiden M Period 3 - I like the substitution method because of it's not complicated implementation to find an answer.

Bridgette A said...

Bridgette A., Period 6, I prefer elimination because it is easier to do, doesn't require much work, and is easier to write out.

Lauren said...

lauren k. per3 elimination because it makes the problem easier for me to solve

Maliah said...

Maliah S. period 6- I like to use the graphing method because it is easiest for me to graph the points and find the solution rather than doing all the problems.

Unknown said...

Nachi C. Period 3
I prefer the elimination method better because there are less steps and makes your work look neater so you have more space.

Anonymous said...

Tyler N. Period 4, I prefer substitution method because it gives you an isolated variable to start with.

Anonymous said...

Travis s per 6 I like elimination the best because I like to have less work to do and make less mistakes

Anonymous said...

Savanna S period 3 - I prefer the elimination process better since it is a shorter process to complete the problem, and it's much more clear to me whe I am double checking my work.

Anonymous said...

Emma W. Period 4- My favorite is graphing because I find it to be the easiest to use, at least if you have graph paper.

Anonymous said...

Daniel M Period 4 - I like the elimination method because its a more easier and simple way to solve the problem

Anonymous said...

Cory g. period 3. I prefer the elimination method the most because it is the easiest and simplest method out of the three.

Anonymous said...

Jackie R period 4- I prefer the graphing method the best, because the solution is easily found without long math problems that take up a lot of space.

Unknown said...

Katie H. Period 4. I prefer using the substitution method because it is easy to isolate the variable, and I understand this method the most.

Unknown said...

Stephanie A. Period 6 I prefer elimination because i can easily figure out the problem faster than substitution and graphing

Azure S. period4 said...

I like the substitution method the best because its satisfying lol idk i just like it the best, i think its pretty easy