Monday, March 14, 2016

Algebra :)

Rare extra credit opportunity...

Post a comment with your name (first name and last initial), and write a complete sentence that has exactly 10 words.  Have fun with this - the sentence can be about anything at all, but it does have to make sense!

Do this by 4:00 PM on Tuesday for an extra credit point.  Remember that I have to approve comments before they appear on the blog, so don't worry if your comment doesn't appear right away.  Be sure to check back before the deadline to make sure it posted.  If it doesn't post, reread the directions and try again (and if that still doesn't work, then email me before the deadline!).

Have fun :)


Nick L. said...

I really don't know what to type about for this.

Mason M said...

The quick brown fox jumped over the fat lazy dog

Jason T said...

Mason McBride has beautiful, luscious, flowing hair on his head.

Joshua S. said...

I love math class because I can do fun math!! -Joshua S.

Kyle E. said...

I like bees, drawing, not eating vegetables, and playing games.

Julia R. said...

We are reading "The Call of the Wild" in English.

Mia P. said...

My birthday is on National Call of the Horizon Day.

Natalie P said...

I binge watched two seasons of Grey's Anatomy this weekend.

Ashley S said...

Ashley S.

I could eat bacon for every meal of every day.

Nia R. said...

I was racking my brain for a ten word sentence.

Yewoo K. said...

I have straight A's in all the subjects in school.

Anonymous said...

Gramm D.

Carson got hit in the face with a baseball bat.

Marina Z said...

I waste all my free time on YouTube watching videos.

Emily J. said...

Swimming is my life, and I go to practice daily.

Anika M said...

My name is Anika and I love to eat pizza.

Jesse C said...

I want a good sentence for this but I don't.

Malakai E. said...

I love to eat in the morning and at night.

Peyton L. said...

I have eaten so many goldfish that I will explode.

Madhumitha S. said...

The dog leaped over the fence and hurt his head.

Abby C said...

I want to go play in the mickey mouse clubhouse.