Monday, October 12, 2015

Math 8 Answers

Your answer for #25 might vary slightly.
Read the first comment...


Mrs. Gunderson said...

Good for you for checking your answers! Practice practice practice until you can do all of these problems correctly without even having to think about them. If you can get to that point, you should do GREAT on the quest! :)

As a reward for checking, leave a comment here. Type your name and period (first name and last initial - no last names!) under Name/URL and then leave one or two sentences about what you've enjoyed the most about 8th grade so far. Do this by 9:00 PM the night before your class's test for the extra credit point.

Name/URL: Melissa R, period 1

Remember that I have to approve comments - they won't post right away. But do check back before the deadline to make sure your comment posted. If it didn't post, then reread the directions and try again before the deadline has passed!

And if you're reading this and you have math on a B-day, you haven't even gotten this assignment yet - I'll check your posts beginning at 4:00 on Tuesday...

Happy studying :)

Eugene P, period 3 said...

I enjoyed meeting and making new friends through tne events that Rio Norte provides to us.

Grace M said...

Grace M, period 3

What I have enjoyed about 8th grade is all the freedom we get. And all of the teachers are really nice.

Owen S, period 3 said...

I have enjoyed math 8 so far. it has tought me so much after just the first quarter.

Lauren K. Period 3 said...

I have enjoyed making new friends and all of the teachers are really nice

Aly D, Period 4 said...

I have enjoyed math a lot so far because you have been a great teacher. You have taught me many new things even though it's only the beginning of the new year.

Alyssa A, period 6 said...

I have enjoyed the freedom of being an 8th grader and learning so many new things

Bridgette A. Period 6 said...

I have enjoyed meeting new people and having really nice teachers so far in 8th grade.

Jackie R period 4 said...

I have loved meeting new people and making new friends. The new experience has been great and the things I am learning so far in 8th grade are really helpful.

Camille P, Period 4 said...

I have loved making new friends and having very helpful and great teachers this year.

Laila M. Period 4 said...

I have enjoyed making new friends and learning new things.

Heather W. Period 6 said...

I have enjoyed the nice teachers on team Rio Verde and how helpful they are in 8th grade so far.

Andrea V, Period 6 said...

So far I have enjoyed being able to learn new things in 8th grade, it has been an amazing year so far. Looking forward to having much more fun(:

Azure S. period4 said...

I am enjoying how nice my teachers are and how the homework isn't that hard.

Eva.D period 6 said...

I have enjoyed meeting new friends and having great 8th grade teachers.

Kate J period4 said...

Thank you for all you do. i love how class is fun and how you make learning easier:)

Hye Lynn S. period 6 said...

I love this year so much because of all of the new friends I made through these classes! I love this class so thank you so much!