Monday, October 12, 2015

Algebra Answers - Direct Variation

1. y=4x
3. y=1.75x
5. y=3.2x
7. y=(2/3)x
9. p=15.75h; $551.25
11. n=1.82w; 25.5 servings
13. M=0.165E; 24.8 lbs
15. W=0.72B; 68.4 kg
17. a=250g; 2,500 miles

* As a reward for checking... post your name under Name/URL below (first name and last initial only - no last names!) with one or two sentences telling something you did over the weekend ("sleep" and "nothing" don't count...).

Name/URL: Jenny L.
Comment: I watched the Dodgers beat the Mets on Saturday night! :)

Do this by 9:00 PM tonight and you'll get an extra credit point. I have to approve comments before they're posted, so your comment won't appear right away...  But check back before 9:00 to make sure it's up there - if not, reread the directions and try again.  Easy extra credit!


Peyton L. said...

On Saturday night, I went to fright fest with my friends. :)

Marina Z. said...

I played a few volleyball games this weekend.

Mia P. said...

I went to a cake pop decorating class with my friends on Saturday.

Kyle E. said...

I went to Huntington Gardens with the Meachams, and had a Doctor Who fest with my friends.

Anonymous said...

Ryan L. said...
I went and visited my great grandmother over the weekend.

Jake L said...

This weekend, I went to my neighbor's house. JOSH I can frontside and backside 180 going up a curb!

Julia R. said...

Friday night, I went to Fright Fest with a group of my friends. I spent the rest of my weekend hanging out with my family and finishing up my science project.

Abby c said...

Over the weekend I went with 3 of my brothers friends to magic mountain fright feast. It was fun. (:

Ashley S. said...

On Sunday, I had dinner with my family to celebrate my dad's birthday.

Jason T. said...

I read my AR Book and made a rad science project.

Anika M said...

Over the weekend I went to fright fest with two of my friends😄

Joel S. said...

Over the weekend I studied for the 50 states quiz and for a trombone test.On saturday my family had to go for my baby brothers baptism preparation.

Stephen T. said...

I played tennis against a team that I used to be on.

Emily J said...

I went to fright fest and swim practice.

Madhumitha S. said...

This weekend I played a lot of volleyball and strained my thumb.

Nia R. said...

Over the weekend, I ran a total of 10+ miles and procrastinated on my homework.

Bridget Y. said...

Over the weekend, I watched a movie and slept a lot:)