Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Review Answers (read the first comment)


Mrs. Gunderson said...

Extra Credit Opportunity :)

Post your name (first name and last initial - no last names) and the period you have math.

In the comment box, write the one end-of-the-year 8th grade activity that you are most looking forward to.

Do this by 10:00 PM the night before your class's test, and you'll receive an extra credit point :)

Jeremy g period 3 math said...

I am looking forward to the magic mountain trip with all of my friends :)

Aubrey P period 4 said...

I am looking forward to the Magic Mountain field trip :)

Thomas G period 2 said...

I'm looking forward for the Six Flags field trip at the end of the year.

jordan j period: 5 said...

magic mountain

allyson m. said...

period 2 math
I'm looking forward to the magic mountain trip :)

Anonymous said...

Ashley M
Period 5
I'm looking forward to the Magic Mountain trip.

Spencer P said...

Spencer P period 6

The 8th grade dance

Anonymous said...

Zion M. Period 2

I am most looking forward to the Six Flag's trip!!!

Veena K. per.4 said...

I am looking forward to the 8th grade field trip to magic mountain.

Anonymous said...

Angie W Period 6

I am looking forward to the 8th Grade breakfast because I really like to eat :)

Anonymous said...

Donavon Y. Per 4 the last unit 8th grade tests.

Patience T. said...

I am looking forward to the 8th grade dance.

Emily L. Period 3 said...

I am looking forward to the Magic Mountain field trip.

Elise d. Period 6 said...

One end-of-the-year 8th grade activity I'm really looking forward to is Magic Mountain! :D AHHHHH!! <3

Anonymous said...

Layla C. I'm looking forward to the 8th grade Magic mtn trip.

Sophia B. Per. 2 said...

The eighth grade dance :)

Unknown said...

Allison L. Period 2
One end-of-the-year 8th grade activity I'm looking forward to is the Magic Mountain field trip!

Tyler m period 2 said...

I am looking forward to magic mountain

Grace h said...

Magic mountain !!

Sophie W. said...

I'm looking forward to the end of the year 8th grade dance.

Miles S. said...

Miles S.

Magic Mountain!

Tyler W period 2 said...

Magic Mountain

Victoria W per. 4 said...

I cant wait to go to magic mountain!

Hannah D. Per 6 said...

I’m most excited for the Magic Mountain Trip.

Reilly h period 3 said...

I am looking forward to the last day so i can enjoy my summer unlike school

Noelle D. Per. 6 said...

I'm soooo excited for the eight grade dance! <3

Aubree S said...

I am looking good forward to the Magic Mountain trip.

Sonaly W said...

Can't wait till the last day of school.

GillianR5 said...

I am looking forward to going to magic mountain with my friends.

Carter and Fam said...

Christian K
Period 3
Magic mountin

Cade N. Per.3 said...

The thing I am most excited about is either the breakfast, dance, or magic mountain. I'm really just excited about all of it!!

Veronica A. period 5 said...

Magic Mountain :)

Will F Period 6 said...

Will F Period 6
Magic Mountain trip

Mranda G Per 6 said...

i am very excited about the 8th grade dance at the end of the year :)

Lily S. Period:3 said...

One thing I am looking forward to is going to Magic Mountain.

Shannon T., Period 6 said...

magic mountain :)

Madison V p. 6 said...

Six Flags trip!

Kristen B. period 5 said...

I am looking forward to going to Magic Mountain. It will be a fun opportunity :)

Ariane K per 3 said...

The 8th Grade Dance

alana z period 5 said...

i am looking forward to the magic mountain trip

Tate M. said...

probably going to Six Flags... I don't particularly like six flags, but my friends are also going, so ill get to be with them.

Ethan. A, period 5 said...

I'm am looking forward to going to Hawaii

Tyler N. said...

Tyler N. Period 6

im looking forward to the Magic Mountain Trip.

Anonymous said...

Payton S.
Period 3
I am most looking forward to the Magic Mountain field trip. :)

Conor L. said...

Im most looking foward to the six flags field trip!

Cami H / Period 5 said...

I am most looking forward to the Magic Mountain trip.

Unknown said...

Taylor F/ period 6
Im looking forward to the magic mountain trip.

Unknown said...

Taylor F/ period 6
Im looking forward to the magic mountain trip.

Unknown said...

Taylor F/ period 6
Im looking forward to the magic mountain trip.

Unknown said...

Taylor F/ period 6
Im looking forward to the magic mountain trip.

Unknown said...

Taylor F/ period 6
Im looking forward to the magic mountain trip.