Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Review #2 Answers

See comment below.


Mrs. Gunderson said...

Extra credit opportunity :)

To show me that you checked your answers, write your first name and last initial (no last names!), your math period, and your Spring Break plans. Do this by 10:00 PM the night before your class's test, and you'll receive an extra credit point!

Ariane K. pd3 said...

For spring break I'm going to rest and watch Netflix. Also I might go and see relatives.

Chrisj period 2 said...

I plan on going dirtbiking at Pismo beach.

Patience T. Period 2 said...

Visit family and Disneyland.

Lily S. Per3 said...

Over spring break I am going hiking, the beach, and magic mountain.

Jeremy g period 3 said...

The dc trip!:)

Emily L. Per.3 said...

For Spring Break I am going to be watching tv every day.

Victoria W said...

I am goin to the beach for spring break

Hannah D. Per 6 said...

For Spring Break, I'm just hanging out with friends and family.

Madison Trujillo P6 said...

On spring break I'm going on the east coast trip

Shannon T., Period 6 said...

the beach, sleeping, and netflix!

Conor L pd5 said...

I plan on going to Newport beach for a baseball tournament (older brother) for three days, lots of magic mountain, and sleep!

alana z per 5 said...

i am probably going to sleep all week

Noelle D. Period 6 said...

I'm gonna sleep in until 2 pm.

Jordan J Period 5 said...

For Spring Break, I'm going to the beach and camping at Leo Carrillo

Ethan a. Period 5 said...

For spring break I am going to the east coast trip

Veena K. period 4 said...

For spring break I am going on the east coast trip