Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Algebra :)

Extra credit opportunity!

Post your name (first name and last initial) after "Name/URL."

In the comment box, write 1-3 complete sentences about your Spring Break plans.

Post by 10:00 PM this Thursday and you'll get an extra credit point :)

Check back before the deadline to be sure it posted. If it didn't post, reread the directions and try again!


Nicole S said...

I'm really excited to go on the East Coast trip! I am so happy that you are a chaperone!! I am most excited to go to Times Square for the first time! :)

Kendall G said...

I'm going to the East coast with my two favorite teachers. I'm leaving this Sunday and coming back the next Sunday. Can't wait!!

Phoebe C said...

Over this Spring break my family is going on a very short vacation and meeting our family friends. I am very excited to get a break from school so I can rest and sleep in.

Masie O. said...

I have absolutely no plans for spring break. I am going to sleep and sleep and then do some more sleeping. :)

Reilly R. said...

This spring break I am going on a week long cruise. The cruise is going up the California coast to San Francisco, Santa Barbra, and San Diego. It leaves this Saturday and I am really looking forward to it.

Callyn H. said...

Over spring break, I'm going to go on a cruise with my family to some ports in Mexico. I can't wait! :)

Megan L. said...

I have nothing planned for spring break. I am going to sleep, and go to cheer practice.

Paolo L. said...

This spring break my family and I are planning to go to DISNEYLAND!!!I'm so excited to go because I haven't gone in a long time.Then after Disneyland I'm probably gonna sleep.

Addison H. said...

Over spring break, I'm going camping at the beach with my family and some family friends. It's going to be so much fun!

Eden D. said...

I can't wait for spring break!! I don't know what I'll be doing but I intend to sleep in as much as possible haha. :)