Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Math 8 answers (read comment below)


Mrs. Gunderson said...

Extra credit opportunity!

Post your name (first name and last initial) and period after "Name/URL."

Lisa M., period 4

In the comment box, write 1-3 complete sentences about your Spring Break plans.

Post by 10:00 PM this Thursday and you'll get an extra credit point :)

Check back before the deadline to be sure it posted. If it didn't post, reread the directions and try again!

Kyla W.... period 6 said...

My grandma is coming down to visit my family. Other than that i'm probably going to just hangout with friends.

Mathew S., period 5 said...

I am planning to go to Magic mountain with my friends. I would also like to go to a movie with my family.

Julia B. Period 2 said...

Over spring break i plan on hanging out with my friends. I am also going to a concert which i am really excited about. i plan on relaxing and having fun

William T. Period 3 said...

My plans for Spring Break are to hang out with my friends, go to Los Angeles, and go to the mall. Probably the worst thing I'm doing during spring break is going to my orthodontist appointment in LA.

Caitlin C., period 2 said...

I'm starting my spring break I'm going to Disney land for choir. Then I get back and I will lay in my bed for the rest of spring break.

Makenna S., Per. 3 said...

During Spring Break I am going to Sacramento to visit family and visit the capital.

britnee s. per 3 said...

my plans for Spring break include a 5-6 hour flight to the eastern states, and tour nonstop for 6 days. Then come back, and attend a 5 1/2 hour practice at 7:30 in the morning before coming back to school... :)

Niki M; P.3 said...

My plans for spring break are to read and catch up on sleep. I will still be going to dance and rehearsal though so thats good.

Nick M., Period 5 said...

My plans for Spring Break are going on a cruise. We are going up the coast of California and then coming back down. I want to see Alcatraz.

Ally S. Period 2 said...

This spring break I will be going to Idaho to see my sister. Then I will be going to my cousins house for a while.

Kelsey L. said...

period 2

Over Spring break I have a lot of cheer practice and am going to hang out with friends. Im also going to hang out with my friend who is moving to oregon after the break.

jack D said...

period: 2 over spring break, Im going to hang out with friends. Im also going to have a lot of swim meets and eat a lot of food.

Aubrey M. period: 5 said...

This Spring break I have a track meet on Saturday. I am also going to the beach.

Teddy K. said...

period 6
Over spring break, I plan to hang out with friends. I also have lacrosse practice and a game. I plan to have lots of fun and sleep in.

Elizabeth G. said...

This Spring Break, I plan to catch up on the sleep I have missed. And hang out with my friends and relax.

Ryan D. said...


Over spring break I will be starting it off by going to Disneyland for choir. then after that I will just be hanging with friends.

Michael K said...

Period 5

This spring break I plan on going skiing and to the beach. I also will hang out with my friends. Most importantly I'll sleep a lot.

Andrew J. said...

Period 5

Over spring break I get to see a dodgers game on Tuesday and then a padres game on Friday. In all the time I have leftover I will be hanging at home.

joe s said...

joe S period. 6
my plans for spring brake is to go to a couple of baseball tournemments and hang with friends

Miranda k per 5 said...

this spring break I plan to sleep in until I cant sleep no more. I also plan to go to San Diego and hopefully Texas or Arizona

Dylan L said...

period 5

This spring break I have state cup for my soccer club team in palm springs and if we do well we will move on to next weekend. I also plan on going to a U.S. national women's game in San Diego for my little sisters birthday. My grand parents are also coming down from Washington State for spring break for my sisters birthday. Spring break is gong to be a lot of fun!

Kevin W. Per. 3 said...

I am going to San Francisco with my cousin who arrived from Thailand.

Tanner T. Per 5 said...

This sping break I am going to hang out with some of my old friends from the eastcoast. Also I'm going to knots berry farm.