Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012

My Christmas/Hanukkah/Holiday Gift to You :)


The deadline for this is 11:59 PM on Monday, December 17... 

I'm letting each of you drop one homework score from the second quarter.  Go into Infinite Campus and look at your homework scores.  An "ex" score means it had no impact on your grade, so there would be no point in dropping that.  Find your lowest score and look at the name of that assignment.

Go to the post below for your math period and leave a comment there.  Type your first name and last initial (no last names) after "Name/URL" and then write the name of the assignment you wish to drop.  Do not write the score - simply write the assignment name.

Merry Christmas - Happy Hanukkah - Happy Holidays :)

Period 2 - Gift :)

see above...

Period 3 - Gift :)

see above...

Period 4 - Gift :)

see above...

Period 5 - Gift :)

see above...

Period 6 - Gift :)

see above...


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Algebra 8 BM Review

The answers, as promised...

1.  x = 51
2.  x = 124
3.  x < -3
4.  x <  1/3
5.  x > 2 4/7
6.  x = -11
7.  x = 9
8.  x = 105/4
9.  x = 9
10.  x = -43
11.  x = 1
12.  x = 1
13.  9 2/7 hours
14.  48 hours
15.  100 g
16.  96 miles
17.  m "is less than or equal to" 15
18.  2.6

If you checked your answers and would like an extra credit point for doing so, leave a comment below.  Type your first name and last initial after "Name/URL," and leave your math period as a comment.  Happy studying - and good for you for checking :)

Algebra 8

Monday, December 10, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Algebra 8

*** notice the date change of the Dec. 11 and Dec. 13 tests ***

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Extra Credit :)

We're almost at the end of the quarter... 

Algebra 8 still have 3 tests
Dec. 11: quiz on decimals, percent of change, simple interest, etc.
Dec. 13: decimals post-test
Dec. 17: benchmark

Pre-Algebra has 1 test
Dec. 14/17: benchmark

I want to make sure you are aware of your current grade. Go into Infinite Campus and look at three things (your homework average, your test average, and your overall class grade).  Post a comment that includes the decimal part of each of those numbers (nobody will know your actual grade if you only post the decimal part).

Jeff R. has an 82.46% on homework, 93.55% on tests, and a 90.22% in the class.
He would post:

Name/URL: Jeff R.

H: 46
T: 55
C: 22

Scroll down and be sure to comment on the post for your math period. Check back before the due date to be sure you did this correctly so that you can get the point!

This extra credit opportunity expires Sunday (Dec. 9) night.

Period 2

Read the Extra Credit post above...

Period 3

Read the Extra Credit post above...

Period 4

Read the Extra Credit post above...

Period 5

Read the Extra Credit post above...

Period 6

Read the Extra Credit post above...


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012