Sunday, December 18, 2011

Extra Credit :)

I would like to hear what you are all doing to study for your benchmark. Columbia already has their review packet (Thunder will be getting that tomorrow) - and that packet is a great starting point. But you'll definitely want to be doing much more practice than just that.

Kids aren't always sure how to study for math, so it's nice to hear what other people are doing in order to get ideas. You can earn extra credit by telling us what you are doing (other than the review packet) to prepare for your benchmark. Be specific - don't just say that you're reviewing your notes.

So many of you have great ideas to share - your study habits will help everyone else! The better the suggestion, the more extra credit you can receive - and I'm the judge :)

Leave a comment that includes:
~ first name (last initial if you want, but please DON'T post your last name)
~ period
~ your study idea

Columbia's benchmark is on Tuesday, and Thunder's is Wednesday. The deadline to submit your comments for extra credit is Tuesday night. Remember that comments won't appear immediately; I must approve them first. Be sure to check back before the deadline to make sure your comment was posted - let me know if it wasn't!

Be sure to read the other comments in order to get some good study ideas for yourself. Happy studying!


Anonymous said...

Melissa G.
Period 4
My study habits are to do at least 10 problems from each section (including the back). Also I go on Classzone and take the Section Quizzes and Chapter Tests. Also, I would go on Hotmath on the problems im doing that I dont understand.

Anonymous said...

I love extra credit!

Cindy said...

Peroid 4
What I do to study for math is go on Classzone and do the quizzez and Chapt. Test. Along with, going over my notes, I also look at problems that are a little bit more difficult for me. Then I do problems similar to the ones that are difficult to me, and keep doing them until I understand how to do them correctly. :)

Anonymous said...

Zak A.
Period 1
I'm going to check all the answers from the review packet and make sure I know how to do them all then I am going to do 8 problems from each lesson, Chapter quizzes and redo all the problems that I've gotten wrong on my homework and getting help on hotmath if I don't understand.

Anonymous said...

Jacob Friedman
per 3

The way i usually study is doing any thing miss Shranz gives us and do about 4 or 5 problems from the book on each section. i also use my notes to clear up any thing that's not clear.

Max said...

Period 4
My family rewrote the last 2 tests and I had to take them again. It was to see what I still didn't know. The answers were on the original test so I could later see where I wet wrong. I have 2 study buddies on my block- we answered problems & looked in the back of the book for answers. I use classzone for quizzes & tests.

Anonymous said...

Ryan R
Period 5
I study by doing the problems I missed on my homework(there is always at least one) and checking if I got it right. I also do a couple of problems from each section in chapters 4,5, and 7.

Anonymous said...

period 5
I choose 5 problems (Or the ones I got wrong if I missed less than 5) from previous tests and quizzes and do them. Then I'll have a parent test me by giving me 3 questions from each section in the book and then after I do those, I check them in the back of the book. Another good thing you can do is look at your tests and see which ones you missed and check if they are just careless mistakes or if you didn't really understand them. That may help you find out what you need to focus on. I sure hoped this helped:)

Anonymous said...

Jacob V.
Period 5
What I do to study for the benchmark is to do at lest 12 problem from each section. I also retake all my tests and have some1 correct them. If I get some wrong I have to redo them. On homework if I get problems wrong I rewrote them and if I don't get any i go onto hot math for help. Also sometimes I play the games for extra practice.

Anonymous said...

Andie C.
Period 6
I go back to our old test and quizzes and retake them. Then if I get them wrong I do them until I get it correct. Or I ask my parents to go over some problems with me. :)

Anonymous said...

Cozette Kim
For my studying I have done all of the problems of the chapter review, I have finished my homework, also look back in the text book and study my notes. I hope I get an A!!!!

Anonymous said...

Period 1
What I do to study is I read my notes at least three times. I take the chapter quiz at the end of each lesson, and sometimes I get together with my friend from period 3 and we do practice problems.

Anonymous said...

Hannah G.
Period 3
I am doing 3 to 5 problems from each chapter section, looking over my notes, and checking all the problems on my benchmark review packet.

Anonymous said...

Austin H.
What i do to study is that i take(random) problems from the book from each section that we learning and do the problems then check the answers after i finish each problem

Anonymous said...

Per. 3

To study, I will make sure that all my answers from the review packet are correct and also choose random problems to do from the textbook.

Anonymous said...

Brittany C
Per. 4

what i do to study for math tests is go over my notes and do problems in the book especially the ones i dont understand and ill look over my tests and redo the ones i got wrong also i check my answers in the back of the book and go on scatter or spacerace.

Jeannine:) said...

One way I am studying for the Math benchmark is I am looking over the past tests and re-doing the problems I did wrong and I am also looking at the warm-ups and notes and re-doing them also. I am also doing the Chapter Reviews in the book and checking the answers at the back or with a calculator at the end.
Period 3

Anonymous said...

what i do to study is I retake tests from past chapters and go over them tell i get them 100% right. I go on hotmath and classzone for extra practice and after i take the chapter quiz. i also take 15 questions from the book and perfect them. My parents also help me study be making flash cards and quizing me on them . Hope this helped(;
Emilie Delauney
6th period (:

Anonymous said...

Eric C.
per, 4

My study habit is take al of my old tests and review tham. Then, i do my extra problems. After, that i do the preambles in the back of the book

Anonymous said...

Ryan S
per. 4

When I study for benchmarks and other big test I use hot math to go over any of the problems that I have not remembered. Class zone is also a very good place for me to study because they have the chapters quizzes and the single five question quizzes on each section.

Anonymous said...

Rianna S.
Per. 3

My studying habit is that I have my dad or mom give me problems, then I do the work on a white board. I also review all of the test I have took.

Anonymous said...

Period 5

What i'm doing to study is doing all the chapter review pages in the end of each chapter and doing a few problems in each lesson. I also go over all my notes and look at my old homework

Anonymous said...

Kyle D.
Per. 3

For my study habits I like to take the tests on classzone and if I don't fully understand a section I put some extra practice into it until I completely know the process. I also go over previous tests, read through my note's vocabulary and examples, and choose 5 odds from each section covered in the test and check my answers in the back of the book. I hope these studying tips help.

Anonymous said...

Kayla K.
Period 3

What I did to study for the benchmark was redoing lots of the problems from past tests and quizzes. :) I also re-learn the lessons and go over all my notes!

Anonymous said...

I re-read all of my notes to see if I knew all the lessons clearly. Then I started to do review promblems from each lesson review. This usually helps me alot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Madison Utz
I do at least 5 odd problems each section and then check in the back of the book. Also, I have my parents make up similar problems to the chapter quizzes. Last, I go on Classzone and take section quizzes.

Tessa said...


I reread all of my notes, i did about 5 odds from each section, and i also went on hotmath and went over problem i didnt understand.:)

Anonymous said...

Steven MIjangos

What I do to study for my math benchmark is that I do 10 problems from each section that i forgot how to do. Also another thing is that is that I review my notes and look over the examples. The last thing that I do to review for my benchmark is I look over past tests/quizzes and homework. So that is what I do to review for my benchmark. :*)

Anonymous said...

Garlon period 4. I am going to retake all the test for Q2 and do 5 odd problems from all the sections the benchmark is on.

Anonymous said...

Samantha I.

I study the notes from each section before I do some homework assigned problems. I will have my tutor make up problems for me so I can have random ones that might be similar to test problems. Finally, I review my tests, check the problems I got wrong and re-do them.

Anonymous said...

Ian H.
Per 6
Review notes and do 5 probs from each section. And check the answers!

Anonymous said...

Lauren W
Period 5
To study for the quarter 2 benchmark, I rewrite my notes on a big dry erase board, do all of the examples, and have a family member quiz me on the vocab. I also go to Hotmath for any concept questions.

Anonymous said...

Sofia H.
Period 4

When I study for math, I do problems from other tests that I got wrong. I also go on Hotmath, Classzone or do 5 odd problems from each section in the chapters.

Anonymous said...

Mark G. Period 6
I am reviewing my notes and doing the exercises as well as going over my notes with my tutor. She has me check over every problem till I get it right.

Anonymous said...

Claire C.
Period 4
I like to go to the back of the book and pick atleast 2 problems from each lesson. This helps so if I get confused i can look back on the lesson.

Anonymous said...

Julia T.
Period 6
I like to took back at my old tests and fix a few problems i missed. Also I like to look back at my notes and do a few problems. Also i pick a few odd problems from some of the sections and then check my answers in the back of the book. I use hotmath for the problems I need help on. My tutor also helps me with the sections I need help on.

Anonymous said...

Per. 5
What helps me do better on tests is redoing problems on hw that i got less than a 4 on. Also, I try to think of abbreviations or certain key words to remember how to do things.
ex. (The "R" in percent=two spaces Right. And The "L" in decimal= two spaces Left.)
Also, with the asSOCIAtive property, I think about how if you are SOCIAL you talk in groups. (change grouping.)

Anonymous said...

Samantha K
Per. 5
I go online and see if there are any packets or sheets to help me study. If I really need help on a problem I will go into Miss Schranz's class and ask for help.