Saturday, October 1, 2011

More Integer Practice... Extra Credit! :o)

PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!! That's the only way to improve here!

This extra credit opportunity is good through Friday, October 7. Remember that your comments won't get posted until after I approve them, so it may take hours, depending on whether or not I'm near my computer... Don't keep pushing "post" if you don't see it appear right away. Be sure to check back prior to the deadline to make sure it got posted - if it didn't, see me on Friday at the latest...

To get the extra credit point this time, you need to click here and do all three of the activities we looked at before - Scatter, Space Race, and the Test. Do each of them as many times as you'd like until you get scores that you're proud to post. Post your score/time for each of the three activities. Please post them all in a single comment - not as three separate comments. Also, please tell me which of the three is your favorite and a brief reason for your choice.

Please do not post your last name. If someone else in your class has the same first name, please include your last initial. This applies to anything you post on this blog - no last names.

For example, your comment should look something like this:

period 2
Scatter: 46.8
Space Race: 134,807
Test: 100%
I like Space Race best because it's kind of crazy when it gets fast at the end!

Have fun with this extra credit. And remember - the more you practice, the better and faster you'll get!

Enjoy your long weekend! :*)


Mrs. Gunderson said...

Please remember to include all three scores at the same time - I will only be posting comments that include name (no last name), period, 3 scores, and your favorite activity with a reason. Look at the example I gave above...

Anonymous said...

Eric C
Period 4
Space Race:20,00
I like Space Race because it gets really existing toward the end.

Anonymous said...

Period 1
Scatter: 36.1
Space Race: 76,270
Test: 95%
I like Scatter best because I get excited when I can't find the answer(if that makes any sense).

Anonymous said...

Period 4
Scatter: 54.3
Space Race: 52,360
Test: 100%
I like the test because its easy and not timed.

Anonymous said...

Period 6
Space Race:27,320 level:10
Scatter:50 seconds
Test 100%
I liked the test the best because it gives you more practice and acts like a study guide :)

Cris Acosta said...

Cris Acosta
Period 1
Space race:62,370
Test; 95%
I really like scatter because its a fun race against the clock and your always trying to beat your old time

Hannah Galloway said...

Hannah Galloway
Period 3
Test: 100%
Scatter: 55.1 sec.
Space Race: 10,700
I like scatter because it is challenging to find each answer and tests my skills.

Cindy said...

Per 5
Test: 100%
Scatter: 37.8
Space Race: 119,210
I like Space Race because I love seeing what my score will be every time and then wanting to get a higher one after. :)

Anonymous said...

Ryan S.
Per. 4
Space Race:19,810
I like the test because I don't like to have to be rushed while trying to figure out the problems and the test is the only one that is not timed

Anonymous said...

per 4


Test 100%

Space Race 50,382

Anonymous said...

per 4

I like the test the best because you can stop whenever you feel like and stretch and relax your fingers.

Anonymous said...


Space Race=8,880 level 8

I like scatter because you get to work as slow as you want or as fast as you want,but I don't like Space Race because the farther you get into the game the faster the problems come.

Anonymous said...

Ryan R
space race:104,760

Anonymous said...

Ryan R
I like the test because I'm in no hurry to finish and it's not timed.

Anonymous said...

Ryan R (forgot my period)
Period 5

Anonymous said...

Alex Smith
space race: 91,250
I liked space race the most because it was challenging but fun

Mrs. Gunderson said...

Make sure you're answering all of the questions in your comment. I'm only posting the comments that are complete. If you already submitted one and it hasn't yet been posted, you want to submit it again - but be sure to include everything!
~Miss Schranz :)

Anonymous said...

Brandon P.
Period: 4
Scatter: 26.7
Space Race: 106,460
Test: 100%

I like the space race because it gets your mind thinking under pressure.

Anonymous said...

tom bambrick
test 100
space race 88000
scatter 54.24

Anonymous said...

tom bambrick
i liked the test because it was helpful

Anonymous said...

Zak Amado
period 1
Scatter: 37.8
Space Race: 32,610
Test: 100% (first try) 8^)

The test was helpful practice. The games are fun.

Anonymous said...

scatter 45.6
space race 102,240
test 100%

i like scatter the most because it does not have a timer

Anonymous said...

Period 1

Sorry, I did my last post wrong. Here's the right way:

1. 85%
2. 100%-Oh Yeah!

1. 0.59.6
2. 0.57.2
3. 0.49.3
4. 0.38.7-My best time ever!!

Space Race
1. 75, 710-I'm good at this game.

My favorite game was Space Race because it got my blood pumping. It was exciting. I feel like I actually got practice.

Anonymous said...

Samantha Kukucka
period 5

scatter: 36.8

space race: 36,970

test: 95%

i liked the test because there was no time limit!

Anonymous said...

space race: 60,270

I liked scatter because I liked moving around the answer and you can't really lose.