Thursday, October 20, 2011

Last Minute, I Know...

I know that junior high is a huge change from elementary school, but you've all survived your first quarter (and most of you did very well!!!). Before I submit grades, I want to give you all one final opportunity... And I know this is last-minute, but I just decided to do it - spread the word to your friends who have me...

I know that every once in a while, you have a bad day or you have other stuff going on that prevents you from doing your best in math. Because of this, I'm allowing everyone to drop one homework assignment.

Here's what you need to do:
Look in Infinite Campus at your homework grades.
Find the lowest score (make sure you're choosing a HW grade and not extra credit)
Leave a comment here that includes 3 things:
- your first name (last initial, if necessary - no last names)
- your period
- the page number of the assignment you want me to drop

I will be finalizing grades on Sunday, so the deadline to do this is Saturday night. Again, because it is so last-minute, spread the word! :)


Anonymous said...

Eric C
Pg 9,14,20

Anonymous said...

AJ Stanley

Anonymous said...

Cozette Kim
Period 1
pg. 639, 645
Thank You

Cindy said...

Cindy R
Per. 4
pg 108
Thank you! :)

Anonymous said...

Melissa G.
Per. 4
Pg 663

Anonymous said...

Hannah G.
Per. 3
pg. 5-7
Thank you! :-)

Anonymous said...

Jillian A
Period 1
pg. 9, 14, 20
Thank you :D

Anonymous said...

Ryan S.
Period 4
p. 5-7

Anonymous said...

Rachel D.
Period 1
Pg. 83,87
Thank you sooooooooooooo much!

Anonymous said...

Samantha K
Per. 5
page #26
thank you!

Anonymous said...

Brandon P.
period: 4

Anonymous said...

Zak A.
Period 1
Page 83, 87

Anonymous said...

Period 1
Page 639,645

Anonymous said...

Period 3
Page 33

Anonymous said...

Chris Striff
Period 1
:) this will help my grade, thanks soooo much;p

Anonymous said...

Bella A
Thank you! :D