Sunday, December 18, 2011

Extra Credit :)

I would like to hear what you are all doing to study for your benchmark. Columbia already has their review packet (Thunder will be getting that tomorrow) - and that packet is a great starting point. But you'll definitely want to be doing much more practice than just that.

Kids aren't always sure how to study for math, so it's nice to hear what other people are doing in order to get ideas. You can earn extra credit by telling us what you are doing (other than the review packet) to prepare for your benchmark. Be specific - don't just say that you're reviewing your notes.

So many of you have great ideas to share - your study habits will help everyone else! The better the suggestion, the more extra credit you can receive - and I'm the judge :)

Leave a comment that includes:
~ first name (last initial if you want, but please DON'T post your last name)
~ period
~ your study idea

Columbia's benchmark is on Tuesday, and Thunder's is Wednesday. The deadline to submit your comments for extra credit is Tuesday night. Remember that comments won't appear immediately; I must approve them first. Be sure to check back before the deadline to make sure your comment was posted - let me know if it wasn't!

Be sure to read the other comments in order to get some good study ideas for yourself. Happy studying!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

BM Review Answers


Benchmark Review Packet

There's a typo on #16
It should say "4 km to 8 km"

I will be posting the work/answers on this blog later today. Please check back to make sure you're studying correctly.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Retake Test Info

Today was the day to sign up for the retake test...

If you forgot to sign up or if you want to change the time you chose, the deadline to do so is tomorrow (Thursday) at 7:40. I should be in my room most of the morning tomorrow. If I'm not there when you show up, I'm probably in the office - wait outside my room and I'll be there soon. I need to know how many copies to make - if you don't sign up by 7:40 tomorrow, you will not be able to do the retake.

Remember that in order to do the retake, you must have earned it by doing two things:
1. you must have passed (60% or higher) the Ch 4/7 Test
2. your grade on that test must have been the same as or better than your midtest

STUDY STUDY STUDY for the retake! It is EXTREMELY similar to the original midtest. Do the problems on the midtest over and over and over again. If you completely understand how to do every problem on that midtest, you will do very well on the retake.

Each time slot is 20 minutes long - you will not be given additional time. There will be 20 problems plus a bonus - just like the midtest you already took. Make sure that you can easily complete your midtest in less than 20 minutes.

Happy studying, and I know that I'm going to see some HUGE improvements on this retake :)


Columbia: due Friday 12/16
Thunder: due Monday 12-19

pg. 260 #3-19 odd, 46-48
pg. 266 #9-23 odd, 54-56

Quarter 2 Benchmark - December 20/21
~ Chapter 3
~ Chapter 4
~ 5.2, 7.1 - 7.3
~ Fraction Operations

*** I hope you've been studying...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Don't forget...

... if you are "eligible" to take the retake, come to my room at brunch tomorrow (Wednesday) to sign up for a spot! See you then :)

And again, great job to most of you - huge improvements on your latest test!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011


Columbia: due Wed. 12/14
Thunder: due Thurs. 12/15

Cow Worksheet
Pg. 254 #1-9 odd, 10-23 all, 30-32 all

Quarter 2 Benchmark - December 20/21
~ Chapter 3
~ Chapter 4
~ 5.2, 7.1 - 7.3
~ Fraction Operations

Friday, December 9, 2011

Period 6

Period 5

Period 4


Columbia: due Monday 12/12
Thunder: due Tuesday 12/13

pg. 246 #1-16 all

Quarter 2 Benchmark - December 20/21
~ Chapter 3
~ Chapter 4
~ 5.2, 7.1 - 7.3
~ Fraction Operations