Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Math 8 - Info about your FINAL EXAM

As you know, your final exam will be on  May 25/26.  We're actually calling it an "Algebra Prep Test" because it is covering the few concepts from Math 8 that we think are most crucial for you to truly master before entering Algebra...

This test will count toward your fourth quarter grade in Math 8, so start studying now.  Do not wait until the last minute! We will be doing some review in class, but here are the concepts that will be on the exam:

Graphing (slope-intercept form)
Multi-Step Equations
Systems of Equations

Extra Credit Opportunity:
leave a comment below with your first name, last initial, and math period.  Then write the concept (for example: exponents) that you feel you need to focus on the most as you prepare for this exam.
Deadline for the extra credit point:
B-day: 9:30 PM May 10
A-day: must be posted between 1:30-9:30 PM May 11

Happy Studying :)


Anonymous said...

Daniel M per.4

Unknown said...

Matt Y. period 6 i feel like I need to focus on graphing because it has been a while since I have gone over the concept.

Anonymous said...

Emma S. period 6: Graphing (slope-intercept form)

Unknown said...

Eva D. period 6

Anonymous said...

Tim M. period 4

Anonymous said...

Alyssa A, Period: 6

Bridgette A. said...

Bridgette A.
Period 6


Anonymous said...

Haley L. Period 2

Lauren K. per 3 said...


Anonymous said...

Alexa R. period 3 graphing (slope-intercept form)

Anonymous said...

Ainsley B. Period 03: Exponents

Rachel W. Period 2 said...

Rachel W. Period 2 I need to study graphing

Cory G. said...

Cory G. period 3 graphing(slope-intercept form)

Anonymous said...

Jinyoung Y.
Period 3


Anonymous said...

Cameron S. Period:3 I need help with graphing

Anonymous said...

Savanna S. Period 3
I need to review graphing(slope-intercept form).

Anonymous said...

Miya N.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Dominic G period 2


Anonymous said...

Allyson M Period 2 (systems of equations)

Anonymous said...

Bella M (Exponents)

Anonymous said...

Jordan H
Period 3

I feel like I may have to go over all of the units of course, but honestly the one I feel like I have more trouble with is (slope-intercept form)graphing.

Unknown said...

Sophia k
Period 3
Systems of equations.