Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Math 8 Answers (Two mistakes - read what it says after the pictures)

2d should be 30 (when asked if they prefer Chinese or Mexican food, 30 of them chose Chinese over Mexican).
3d should be 6 students (the students in the overlapping section).
Sorry about that!

Read comment below :)


Mrs. Gunderson said...

Some helpful hints on how to study for this test:

1. Do the review and check the answers.
2. Print another copy (or more) of the review, and do it again. Check those answers.
3. Repeat until the review is done completely correctly.
4. Print another copy of the categorical data packet and fill it in without looking at your original copy. Then check your work/answers against the answers you have in your packet from class.
5. If you feel that you need more practice, do problems from HW assignments and/or warm-ups from Unit 4.

Extra credit opportunity:

Post your name (first name and last initial) and your math period to receive an extra credit point. This must be done by 9:00 PM the night before your class's test. And B-day classes, I'll start checking your posts after school on Thursday - so don't post anything until then :)

Anonymous said...

Miya N 2

Bridgette A said...

Bridgette A.
Period 6

Anonymous said...

Alex R, period 6 :)

Anonymous said...

Alexa R. period 3

Rachel W. said...

Rachel W. Period 2

Anonymous said...

Nick C period 3

Anonymous said...

Joey B. Period 6

Anonymous said...

Haley L. Per 2

Anonymous said...

Jerron B period 2

Lauren K said...

Lauren K. Per 3

Anonymous said...

Chris.D Period 2

Anonymous said...

Jacob R. Period 3

Anonymous said...

Ali D. Period 2

cory g said...

Cory G. Period 3

Anonymous said...

Sophia K. period 3

Anonymous said...

Jackie R. period 4

Eva Dunn said...

Eva D. Period 6

Heather W. said...

Heather W.
Period 6

Alyssa A said...

Alyssa A. Period 6

Anonymous said...

Joseph R.
Period 6

Aly D, Period 4 said...

Aly D
Period 4

Anonymous said...

Caitlin U.
Period 4