Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Review answers (read first comment below)


Mrs. Gunderson said...

Extra Credit opportunity! As a reward for checking your answers, you'll get one extra point - just do these two things.

1. Type your name (first name, last initial) after "Name/URL" followed by your math period.

2. As the comment, briefly tell me your Thanksgiving plans.

Deadline to get the extra point is 10:00 PM tonight.

Kristen B. period 5 said...

I am going to only have my brother in law and sister over with my direct family. I AM REALLY EXCITED FOR POTATOES!!!!!!!!

Emily L. Per.3 said...

For Thanksgiving, my cousins are coming to my house for dinner. We usually hang out and laugh before.

Veena K. per.4 said...

My plans for Thanksgiving is to spend the whole day with my family and cook thanksgiving dinner and watch a movie afterwards.

Ariane k per3 said...

I am going up to my grandparent's house to celebrate Thanksgiving. The rest of my family will be there, too.

alexa k. period 3 said...

On Thanksgiving my plans are to spend time with family, eat dinner and also I get to see family I haven't seen in awhile.

Allison L. per.3 said...

For Thanksgiving I'm going to Burbank where my relatives live to have dinner. Were also going to do a dessert cook off!!!! :)) I'm so excited

Tyler M period 2 said...

Im going to my aunts house in sandiego

Sophia B. Per.2 said...

For Thanksgiving my good friend and her parents are coming over and we are going to have lots of yummy food! :)

Patience T. Period 2 said...

For thanksgiving, my family and I are having a big gathering with family from out of state.

rebecca C period 3 said...

im going to my grandma's house for thanksgiving