Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Online Book Support!

You can finally get logged on to the online resources that our new book offers.  Follow these steps:

1. Go to

2. Click on "Create a new account."

3. The teacher redemption code is QJ9J-NKS9--HWRQ

4. Fill in the other required information.

5. Write down your new username and password (you might want to store it in your phone so you don't lose it).

6. Spend some time looking at the resources and activities that are now available to you!

Leave a comment below for an extra credit point...
1. Type your name (first name and last initial) and math period after "Name/URL"
2. In the comment box, write at least 2 sentences describing a resource/activity that you found that you think will be beneficial.

* Do this by 10:00 PM on Tuesday 10/14 for an extra credit point :)
(I won't be posting any of the comments until Sunday night or Monday, so check back on Monday at some point to make sure your comment posted.  If it didn't, reread the directions and try again.)


Andrew D. Period 5 said...

What I like about this online textbook is that it had every problem. Also, I like how it was organized by unit and chapter.

brooke p, per 5 said...

i think the videos are a good tool. i also like having the book online so if we needed to print the homework we can.

John H Period 3 said...

I found printable extra practice sheet for the quiz. I also watched a demonstration on how to solve some problems.

Aubree S Period 3 said...

I think that this will help me a lot because if I lose any homework I can easily go to this website and print it off. and if I am absent than I can go to your website get the page numbers and print them off so that I don't fall behind. I can also study vocab so that I can easily know what I am learning and studying. I can also get extra practice by printing off extra worksheets. this website is going to be very helpful.

Lily S. Period-3 said...

On this website, I found that you can look up the actual pages in the book. This can help because if you loose your homework you can search the page an then print it out. I also found that you can watch videos on the lessons you are learning. If you were absent these videos could help you catch up.

Cami H. Period 5 said...

I think that the visual vocabulary cards will help me when studying for tests or quizzes. I won't have to make cards, the cards are made and it is really accessible for me to use. I also think that the videos will help me. The videos will give me visuals of the problems and that will help to stick the information in my head.

Grace H per.6 said...

I think its really cool that you can search a math lesson/unit, and find things like videos to help you understand it. Another thing that is really helpful is that, you can actually pull up the math book on there. So if you were for to some reason to loose you math book, you could find everything you would need to know on that site.

Ashley M (period 5) said...

The resource "Music to My Ears" explained the relationship between math and music. It told how there is a mathmatical explaination for pitch and frequency.

Skya B, Period 2 said...

I found the Hana and Enrique video in the resources section under " 2- step equations " to be helpful. It gave a real life situation that I can relate to every time my family and I go to a fair.

Michael M - Period 6 said...

Being able to solve extra problems helps.
Having the audio explain how the problems are worked out helps me understand how to do the problems.
The interactive videos make the learning fun and entertaining.

Spencer P. Period 6 said...

The two resources that I found helpful are the worksheets and the tutor videos. The videos help show step by step that I can watch over and over and the worksheets will give me extra practice.

Veena K. per.4 said...

I found that doing extra problems from homework and reviewing things I didn't understand was very helpful while studying for the Unit three test. I also like to practice problems online that are similar to what we are doing in class.

Emily L. Per.3 said...

I found that the homework tab and the resources tab might be beneficial to me. These tabs can help make my math homework much more easier.

Jordan J Period:5 said...

A resource that I found helpful on connectED was the lesson search. I found this helpful because if I'm struggling with a lesson I can search the lesson we are learning. The activites for that lesson would help strengthen whatever lesson I wasn't fully undersatnding.

Hannah D. Per 6 said...

I think the Tutor will be most beneficial. I watched one video and the tutor explains it well and thouroughly, so I believe it will help.

Allyson M. said...

I like how it tells us what the homework was and that it has teacher messages. This is very helpful and I think it is a great idea.

Gillian R. said...

one thing i found beneficial from the online math book was the self check quizzes. this will allow me to see how well i know the given lessons and properly prepare for the tests and quizzes.

Corbin C per 2 said...

I think sports and school are beneficial because sports let you have fun, be active, and stay in shape, and school helps you be educated for modern day life.

Andrew T period 5 said...

I liked the visual vocabulary cards. It really helps my vocabulary in math and helps me remember math rules, definitions, etc.

Ivie S. per.2 said...

I reviewed the resources. I enjoyed the way that it connect the math to everyday math.

Shannon T. Per. 6 said...

One thing I found beneficial was the tutor. These videos include step by step demonstrations so you can understand the lesson better.

Alexa k. period 3 said...

I found useful on the website was the resources tab. You can select your lesson you are working on and there is worksheets, videos, quizzes, checks, vocab and more to help understand the lesson more and get extra help.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Madison V Period 6 said...

I love the self check feature. This is nice so I can easily quiz myself on the chapter. I also like that if I loose a page in my binder, I can quickly print out a new one.

Angie W Per 6 said...

I like that you can search up key words and other useful things to help understand the math better. I also liked how there were videos that gave you tutorials on the lesson. If i ever lose a page, I can just login and print it out again.

Aubrey P. period 4 said...

I found this very helpful because I can search up an lesson if I missed one or I forgot. The interactive videos are also helpful because it makes the lesson more entertaining.

Bryson C Period:4 said...

I found the online book very helpful. I found it very helpful by the lesson search.