Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Math 8 answers (read my comment below)


Mrs. Gunderson said...

You get an extra credit point for checking your answers here. Post your name (first name and last initial) where it says "Name/URL." Then in the comment box, post two things: the period you have math and your favorite thing to do in your free time.

In order to receive the extra credit point, you must submit your post by 10:00 PM the night before your test.

Remember that I have to approve comments before they're posted, so your comment probably won't appear right away. Check back before your deadline to make sure it posted. If it didn't, it likely means you did something wrong. Reread the directions and repost.

This is a quiz that you all should do very well on - take advantage of that! Happy studying :)

Jackson E. said...

Period 2 Sleeping

Mark T. said...

Period 6.

Play league of legends

Jessa C. said...

Period 2
Hang out with my friends

Niki M said...

Per. 3 / Dance

JAMES T said...


Makenna S. said...

Period. 3

Playing basketball or running track(hurdles)

Jack K. said...


Fly RC planes/helicopters

Kelsey L. said...

Period 2

Julia B. said...

Period 2
bake, cook and listen to one direction (:

Monica C said...

period 3
hang out at the mall ;)

Katherine H. said...

Period 3

Hanging out with friends and family. :)

Jack D said...



Lyauna a said...

Lyauna A.

Period 3// Surf

Hailey V. said...

Period 3

hang out with my friends(:

carson S said...

period 2 i like to go on my phone

Lizzie P. said...

period 3

Ride my horse

John P said...

period 2 and playin basketball

jorden b said...

period 3

shoot my bow

Tristan M said...

Period 2

fly my quadrotor

britnee s said...

per. 3 and listen to music

Nick M. said...

Period 5

Kayla Q said...

Period 5
listen to pentatonix and go to sleep.

Ben G said...

period 6
play basketball

mary O said...

period 6, i like to eat

Kyla W said...

Period 6
listen to music and hangout with friends

Aubrey M. said...

Hanging out with my friends and run track

Esther R. said...

Period 5

Listen to music

Michael K said...

Period 5

Parker S. said...

Period 6
Hang with friends

Elizabeth G. said...

Period 6. I like to listen to music in my free time.

Justin D said...

P. 6

Hiking with friends

Mathew s. said...

Period 5

Dylan L said...

Period 5

The worlds sport, SOCCER!

Ashna A said...

Period 6

Danielle L. said...

period 5


Teddy K. said...

period 6

Ryan D. said...

Period 5


Raymond B said...

Period 5
play football at the park

Maddie C. said...

Period 6
Hanging out with friends

luc f. said...

Period 5

Miranda k said...

period 5

Caitlin C. said...

Period 2
Watch tv

Alexis G. said...

period 5

playing softball

Davina W. said...

Period 5

Robert S. said...

period 5


Erin f said...


Sarah P. said...

Period 6