Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Algebra Answers (read my comment below)


Mrs. Gunderson said...

Good job for checking!

Click on "Name/URL" and post your first name and last initial - no last names!

In the comment box, post any 5-word sentence. It can be about math or not, and it can be as fun or as not fun as you'd like it to be!

Do this by 10:00 tonight and you'll get an extra credit point :)

Addison H. said...

My favorite color is pink!

Callyn H. said...

My favorite color is green.

Matt J said...


Math is really amazingly cool

Nicole S said...

How are you feeling today?

Natasha A. said...

I do, Augustus, I do.

Brinly X. said...

I really like math Bunco.

juliet y said...

i love hunter haye's music :)

Eden D. said...

I really like One Direction.

Paolo L. said...

Do you like piƱa coladas?

Sophia A. said...

This Sentence Has Five Words

Masie O. said...

Hello my name is Masie

Jean L. said...

I love to ride horses.

Megan L. said...

Who let the dogs out?

Reilly R. said...

Five words is not enough.

Kendall G. said...

The walking dead is life.

Mrs. Gunderson said...

Sorry for my four mistakes.