Friday, March 15, 2013

Period 5

As an end-of-the-quarter gift, I'm allowing you to each drop one homework assignment.  Go into Infinite Campus and find your lowest homework score ("ex" doesn't affect your grade at all, so don't choose that as the grade to drop).  Use "Name/URL" to post your first name and last initial, and then post the assignment you want to drop (don't post your grade - only the assignment name as you see it in Infinite Campus).

You have until 10:00 PM on Tuesday 3/19 to do this... :)


Ethan P said...

Ethan P. - pg.945

Kayla T. said...

Kayla T. p.38, 187

Josh C said...

Josh c. pg.219

Keoni H. said...

pg. 506

Cindy R. said...

Cindy R. pg. 38, 187

Rachel S. said...


kaylee m. said...

11.2 pg.740

Samantha L said...

Samantha L.
Pg. 498

max.s said...

2 step equations w/s