Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Act quickly because this is due by 7:45 Thursday morning - since your test is that day...

In class today, we identified the variable and wrote the equation that could help us solve #50 on page 158.
We said:
m = # months
60 + 42.95m = 57.95m

Do the same thing for the following situation.  Identify the variable and write the equation - you do NOT need to solve the problem.

Jack is looking for a repair service to do some work around his house.  Mikey's Repairs charges $45 per hour of work.  Quality Home Repair charges $75 to join their service and $30 for each hour of work they perform.  After how many hours of work is the total cost for the two service companies the same?

Leave a comment below with your answer.  Click "Name/URL" and include your first name and last initial (no last names!), and please also include your math period along with your response to this question.  I will not be posting any of your answers until after the deadline has passed...  :)


kaylaTperiod5 said...

h=hours of work

Reina P :) said...

Period 4