Friday, November 30, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Perfect Squares :)

Click here and play either Space Race or Scatter - great way to practice the perfect squares!


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Algebra 8


Be sure to look at yesterday's post...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Pre-Algebra... Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday: make sure you bring your homework (4.1-4.6 15 Odds) to school, but you don't need to bring your math binder.  The test will take the majority of the period tomorrow - all you'll need is a pencil/eraser for the test and the homework that is due.

Wednesday: you don't need to bring your math binder.  We're going to be making flashcards in class.  Each of you will need 21 blank flashcards. If you don't have them on Wednesday, I will provide them - no problem at all.  But... you can get one extra credit point by posting a comment ("Name/URL": first name with last initial, and writing your math period as the comment) and bringing your own flashcards.  Both of these things (the comment and the flashcards on Wednesday) need to happen in order to get the point. 

This is just another little reward for checking the blog... Name and period must be posted by 7:30 on Wednesday morning.

If you don't have normal flash cards at home, don't feel that you have to go out and buy some.  You can always make your own - use scissors and regular paper to make flashcards!

Alg 8 - Good News and Bad News...

The bad news: tomorrow is a C-day, and you do need to bring your math binder to school.

The good news: post your name ("Name/URL": first name, last initial) and math period as a comment below, and you'll get an extra credit point as a reward for checking the blog.  (This must be done before 7:30 tomorrow morning.)

Algebra 8

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Act quickly because this is due by 7:45 Thursday morning - since your test is that day...

In class today, we identified the variable and wrote the equation that could help us solve #50 on page 158.
We said:
m = # months
60 + 42.95m = 57.95m

Do the same thing for the following situation.  Identify the variable and write the equation - you do NOT need to solve the problem.

Jack is looking for a repair service to do some work around his house.  Mikey's Repairs charges $45 per hour of work.  Quality Home Repair charges $75 to join their service and $30 for each hour of work they perform.  After how many hours of work is the total cost for the two service companies the same?

Leave a comment below with your answer.  Click "Name/URL" and include your first name and last initial (no last names!), and please also include your math period along with your response to this question.  I will not be posting any of your answers until after the deadline has passed...  :)

Algebra 8

Test next class - study study study!!! :)

Monday, November 12, 2012


Extra credit is due tonight! Scroll down a few posts to find the info for your class...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veterans' Day

Enjoy the long weekend! But please don't forget the reason we have Monday off. If you know someone who has served our great country, take a moment to thank him/her. We wouldn't be who we are today if it weren't for these brave Americans selflessly defending our freedoms.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Zambezi - Extra Credit

Ch. 3 Tests are in IC - most people did really well :)

I want to make sure that you all know your current grade.  Go to Infinite Campus and check your current class grade in math.

Leave a comment below - remember to click on "Name/URL" and type your first name and last initial (no last names).  Please post the the two digits after the decimal in your math grade.  Nobody will know your actual grade by knowing the numbers after the decimal.  If somebody posts 34, it could mean 99.34% or 61.34% - there's no way to tell.

For example:
If Erin Whitney has a 92.48% in the class...

Name/URL: Erin W.

*This extra credit opportunity expires Monday (Nov. 12) night!  Tell your friends :)

Algebra 8

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Team Columbia - extra credit

Ch. 3 Tests are in IC - most people did really well :)

I want to make sure that you all know your current grade.  Go to Infinite Campus and check your current class grade in math.

Leave a comment below - remember to click on "Name/URL" and type your first name and last initial (no last names).  Please post the period you have math and the two digits after the decimal in your math grade.  Nobody will know your actual grade by knowing the numbers after the decimal.  If somebody posts 34, it could mean 99.34% or 61.34% - there's no way to tell.

For example:
If Erin Whitney has math 1st period and a 92.48% in the class... 

Name/URL: Erin W.
Period 1

*This extra credit opportunity expires Monday (Nov. 12) night!  Tell your friends :)

Art in Math...


Monday, November 5, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

Algebra 8 - TEST TOMORROW!!!

Remember what I told you...

~ With the exception of the bonus, every problem on the test comes directly from your homework (either from the book problems or the worksheets). 

~ Just as we've been doing for the entire check, you'll need to show every step (including the check) for each problem.

~ Practice Practice Practice :)
