Monday, August 27, 2012

Alg 8 HW

Check back soon for the answers. I'll post them as a comment on this post....


Mrs. Gunderson said...

Answers to the front side:

1. 5 1/5
2. 13 3/8
3. 4 1/2
4. 6
5. 9 3/5
6. 6 1/3
7. 3
8. 8 2/9
9. 7 5/8
10. 5 1/2

back side:

1. 18 4/5
2. 9 1/15
3. 23 20/23
4. 20 1/2
5. 13 5/17
6. 10 16/19
7. 15 11/15
8. 18 5/19
9. 25 19/35
10. 32 9/14
11. 18
12. 5 19/30
13. 16 10/11
14. 28 1/8
15. 14 2/3
16. 25 2/15
17. 8 3/8 ft.
18. 4 1/12 cups
19. C
20. J

Julia P. said...

checked homework :)

Marla A. said...

Yeah I understand it!!!

Mackenzie N. said...

Got it!!!