Thursday, August 23, 2012

Alg 8 Homework

I'll be posting the HW answers as a comment under this post later tonight. Be sure to check to make sure you're doing the problems correctly!


Mrs. Gunderson said...

Answers to PWB 1-3...

PWB 1:

1. 41
2. 9
3. 600
4. 20.1
7. 6
9. 1/2
13. 8 to the 7th power; 8x8x8x8x8x8x8
15. x to the 5th power; xxxxx
16. 81
17. 64

PWB 2:

19. 1/25
21. 128
22. 1,728 in^3
23. 208 cards

PWB 3:

1. 10
2. 41
4. 15
5. 19
7. 36
8. 1
10. 2
11. 17
14. 36
15. 8
18. 13
19. 105
20. 20

And... I'm always curious to see who's responsible enough to check their answers on here - especially considering there's a test on this material next class. Please post your name (first name, last initial) as a comment.

maddi U. said...

Maddi U.

daniella b said...

daniella b

Cindy R. said...

Cindy R.

Tim W. said...

Tim W.

Garlon w said...

Garlon W

Ian H said...

Ian H

Matt R said...

Matt R

Savannah M said...

Savannah M.

Kayla B. said...

Kayla B.