Saturday, April 14, 2012


I forgot to post the homework before I left school yesterday, and I don't have my math binder at home with me. In order to make sure I post the correct assignment, I'm asking for your help. The first 5 Columbia students to post the homework will receive one extra credit point. (Once 5 have been posted, there is no need for others to respond...). Thanks! :)

Make sure to include your first name (remember - no last names) and period.


Anonymous said...

Per. 3
pg. 577 #9-13, 21, and 38-40
pg. 593 #3-6, 29-32

Anonymous said...

pg. 577 #9-13, 21, 38-40 then pg. 593 #3-6, 29-32, for 3-6 volume and the surface area.

Anonymous said...

Kayla K.
period 3

pg. 577 #9-13, 21, 38-40
pg. 593 #3-6, 29-32
(find both surface area and volume for #3-6)
mini test next class on 9.1, 9.5, 10.3, 10.5

Chris Striff :3 said...

I believe the home work is
Hw Pg.557 #9-13all,21,38-40all,
Hw Pg.593 #3-6all,29-32all

Chris Striff Period1

Yay For extra Credit :D

Mrs. Gunderson said...

Only 4 responded... you 4 will each get one bonus point :)