Friday, March 23, 2012

Columbia's Homework

due Tuesday 3/27

pg. 482 #3-8, 9-17 odd, 18-22, 30-32, 49-54, 57, 60-62

Ch. 8 Test on Thursday 3/29


Mrs. Gunderson said...

Woops - I forgot to post the second assignment...

Pg 492 #3-6, 7-33 odd

Anonymous said...

hello Mrs.Schranz.
I am just asking for help on page 484, problem 57. I see the two trapezoids, but the one in the middle confuses me on how to sovle it. ;T Thanks for the help .

Mrs. Gunderson said...

It looks like 2 trapezoids in the picture, but try drawing a line to make two shapes... A trapezoid and a ...?

Anonymous said...

oh haha ita a trapezoid and a paralellogram! ;) thanks!!