Friday, March 30, 2012


Enjoy your 9 days of no school... :)

Spring Break Homework

Bellwork packet

Remember that it's going to be worth 5 points (like a normal homework assignment), but I'm going to be correcting 10 problems - you have the opportunity to get 5 extra credit points!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Important Message from the Rio Electives Department

We have close to half of our current 7th graders that have not made their elective selections for 8th grade. If you have not made you selections for 8th grade yet, go to our website on the homepage and click on the link to Make your Selections. The deadline has been extended until Friday, April 8, 2012!!! Please make your selections or your classes will be selected for you! Even if you are applying for a teacher approval class, you still need to make your selections of 6 different classes just in case you do not get the class you apply for.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


If you're planning on redoing any of your ch. 8 homework assignments for a better grade, they're due to me tomorrow (Columbia) or Friday (Thunder).

Read down a few posts if you're not sure what I'm referring to... :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Columbia: due Thurs 3/29
Thunder: due Fri 3/30

Chapter 8 32 Odds (4 per section)

***Ch. 8 Test on Thursday/Friday
(the 32 odds are a good start to your studying, but it would be a very good idea to do more than just that...)

Remember to check this blog on a regular basis - scroll down and read some of the recent posts... :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Thunder Homework

due Wednesday 3/28

pg. 482 #3-8, 9-13 odd, 18-20, 30-32, 49-54, 60-62

pg. 492 #3-6, 7-33 odd

Chapter 8 Test on Friday 3/30

Friday, March 23, 2012

Extra Credit Opportunity :)

Before I explain the extra credit, be sure to read a few posts down - it tells you how I'll be handling low HW scores now that ZAP is done for the year...

Extra Credit:

Thunder - you haven't learned all of these terms yet... You're still more than welcome to play, but just know that you'll learn them on Monday.

Thunder and Columbia - You can play Scatter for a homework bonus point. The deadline to do this is Wednesday night (March 28). Same as before - post your first name only (include your last initial if you share a first name with someone in your class), your class period, and the time it took to complete your best 3 games. Play it several times before you post any scores. The more you play it, the fast you're going to get! Everyone can see your scores, so you want good ones... Click here to play.

Sample post:
Period 2
49.2, 51.9, 54.3

Remember that your comment won't be posted until after I approve it. It may take me several hours (or longer) to do this since I am not constantly checking my school email. If it doesn't post immediately, don't re-post right away... Just be sure to check back before the deadline to make sure it did get posted.

You can get extra practice playing Space Race or taking the Test, but the extra credit is only coming from Scatter this time. Have fun learning the vocabulary for chapter 8 :)

Columbia's Homework

due Tuesday 3/27

pg. 482 #3-8, 9-17 odd, 18-22, 30-32, 49-54, 57, 60-62

Ch. 8 Test on Thursday 3/29

Thursday, March 22, 2012

No More ZAP...

As you all know, there is no ZAP during the 4th quarter. It is, however, still important that you complete any homework assignment that you didn't have on its due date. If you don't do a homework assignment (or if you get anything lower than a 3 - which is just how we handled ZAP), you can still do it for partial credit. The deadline to turn this in will be the day of the test that covers the material. For example, if you didn't do the 8.3 homework (or if you didn't do well and want to raise your grade), the last day you can turn it in to me would be the day of the chapter 8 test. Just like with ZAP, the highest possible score will be 3 out of 5 - much better than a 0!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Missing Your Glasses???


Columbia: due Friday 3/23
Thunder: due Monday 3/26

pg. 474 #3-23 all (you may use calculators to do the computations, but you still need to show all steps)

pg. 754 #1-21 odd (no calculators)

Ch. 8 Test next Thursday/Friday (March 29/30)


Monday, March 19, 2012


Columbia: due Wednesday 3/21
Thunder: due Thursday 3/22

pg. 456 #1-11 odd, 12-22 all
pg. 465 #1-14

*** Today is the first day of Quarter 4... be sure to get yourself off to a good start :)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Deadline Extension...

If you are one of the students within 1% of the next letter grade, I'm extending the deadline. Read the post below and post your answer by 2:00 on Sunday, March 18... :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

LAST CHANCE (for a few of you)!!!

As you know, tomorrow is the end of the quarter... Overall, it was a good quarter - there are a lot of very good grades :) Some of you, though, are probably a little disappointed because you're SOOOOOOO close to the next letter grade. Well, here's your final opportunity to give your grade that little boost it may need.

This will only apply to a small percentage of you... Check your class grade in IC.

Periods 1, 3, and 4: unless you have any absent work that you're turning in tomorrow, the posted grades are up-t0-date.

Periods 5 and 6: I am collecting your homework tomorrow and will need to input those scores. Other than that, your grades are up-to-date.

If your grade is within 1% of the next letter grade (so if you have 89.00 - 89.99%, 79.00-79.99%, etc.), then this opportunity is for you. Periods 5 and 6 - if you think your grade might be within one of these ranges after I input your Bellwork tomorrow, then this is for you.

Here's your assignment... Look at problem #42 on page 347... Read it, think about it, draw the graph for it (the graph isn't part of the answer but will probably help you answer it), and think about it some more. Post your explanation (try to not make it too wordy, but make sure it's thorough) along with your name and period. If you are correct and your explanation makes sense, I will bump your grade up to the next letter grade :)

Remember - this opportunity only applies to those of you who are within 1% of the next letter grade.

This is due by 2:00 tomorrow - Friday, March 16. Good luck! (I will not be posting any of your comments until after 2:00 tomorrow...)


Columbia: due Monday 3/19
Thunder: due Tuesday 3/20

pg. 440 #1-27 odd, 67-69
pg. 451 #3-16, 37-39

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Week of Special Schedules...

Just a reminder:

Wednesday is an E5 day - dismissal is at 1:00

Thursday - dismissal is at 2:00, but you'll go to your periods 1-4

Friday - minimum day - dismissal is at 11:35, and you'll go to periods 5-6


due March 15 or 16:
Bellwork pages 65-72

Monday, March 12, 2012

Extra Credit - Team Thunder :)

This extra credit opportunity expires Tuesday (March 13) night!

As you all know, Quarter 3 ends this Friday. Grades are updated, and the only thing that still needs to be added to your grade (besides HW assignments for the coming week) is your benchmark. Some of you are on the border between two grades. I want to make sure you're all aware of where you currently stand in the class. I am reposting the same extra opportunity from a few weeks ago...

I want to make sure you're all aware of where you stand in the class. You can earn a point of extra credit by simply checking your current grade. Please log on to Infinite Campus and look at your homework, test/quiz, and class averages for math. For privacy reasons, do NOT post your grades. Just post the digits after the decimal point. That will show me that you know your grade, but nobody else will know the actual grades. Somebody might post 28 - this could mean 98.28% or 52.28% - they both have the same digits after the decimal, but nobody will be able to tell the difference.

Pretend these are a student's grades:
Homework average: 64.38%; Text/quiz average: 92.60%; Class average: 84.14%. This is what I want you to post as a comment:

Michelle (remember to NOT post your last name)
Period 2
Homework: 38
Test/quiz: 60
Class: 14

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Extra Credit - Columbia only...

This is for Team Columbia only... Team Thunder -check back Monday night for your extra credit post...

This extra credit opportunity expires Monday (March 12) night!

As you all know, Quarter 3 ends this Friday. Grades are updated, and the only thing that still needs to be added to your grade (besides HW assignments for the coming week) is your benchmark. Some of you are on the border between two grades. I want to make sure you're all aware of where you currently stand in the class. I am reposting the same extra opportunity from a few weeks ago...

I want to make sure you're all aware of where you stand in the class. You can earn a point of extra credit by simply checking your current grade. Please log on to Infinite Campus and look at your homework, test/quiz, and class averages for math. For privacy reasons, do NOT post your grades. Just post the digits after the decimal point. That will show me that you know your grade, but nobody else will know the actual grades. Somebody might post 28 - this could mean 98.28% or 52.28% - they both have the same digits after the decimal, but nobody will be able to tell the difference.

Pretend these are a student's grades: Homework average: 64.38%; Text/quiz average: 92.60%; Class average: 84.14%. This is what I want you to post as a comment:

Michelle (remember to NOT post your last name)
Period 2
Homework: 38
Test/quiz: 60
Class: 14

Friday, March 9, 2012


Columbia: due 3/13
Thunder: due 3/14

pg. 424 #6-26

***STUDY for the Benchmark
Review the notes/lessons/homework for chapter 5, 6.1-6.5, 7.1-7.3, 7.5, 8.2

Fun at Brunch


Columbia: due Fri 3/9
Thunder: due Mon 3/12

pg. 446 #1-15 odd, 18-24, 28-36, 44-46

Benchmark next class... March 13 or 14

Monday, March 5, 2012


pg. 302 #2-5 all, 7-69 odd (you do not have to show the check)

Q3 Benchmark
~ Tues 3/13 or Wed 3/14
~ Ch. 5, 6.1-6.5, 7.1-7.3, 7.5, 8.2

Thursday, March 1, 2012


all on graph paper...

pg. 345 #1-6, 7-15 odd, 17-22, 24-31
20 Odds (4 per section; 6.1-6.4 and 7.5)

TEST next class - STUDY!!!
6.1-6.5 and 7.5