Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Smiley Face =)

I'm grading math tests right now, and they're looking good so far!!!
Speaking of that, I'm looking for some more smiley face ideas for future tests... Please post any good ones in the comments section... You know you'd love to see one of your smiley faces during a test!


Cindy said...

This is just something that I just did right now so ya. Here is the smiley face! :^}

Hope to see it on a test soon!

Dylan Brown said...

If its a hard problem do this one >:)

Anonymous said...

per. 3
I love smiley faces!!!
:D :p :>) 8) 8D 8^) 8^D 8^p :} :^D :op :o} :o) :oD:-} :-) :-D:-] :o]:^]:-))
:-> :o)) xD x) xo) x-) :-9 :9 :o9 ;o) ;-9

Anonymous said...

Fox Smith
per 3

B~)(this ones a b for the eyes.)

Anonymous said...

put this smiley face


Anonymous said...

Kaylee Malek

Period 4
:o) :D :^)

Anonymous said...

use this one



:^)>>(double chin hahahah)

Anonymous said...

B) :D :P (: :'( that one is crying because its taking a test so you should should put that one on a test )':

Mrs. Gunderson said...

I should put the crying one at the end of the test - it's always so sad when the test is over... :)

Anonymous said...

Happy faces- ;D :] ^.^ '.'

Confused faces- >.< :\ o_o :$

Hope I can see them soon!