Tuesday, September 20, 2011


We looked at hotmath.com in class today... USE IT!!! It's a great resource that will walk you through any odd problem in the book. Look at the right side of this blog (under passwords) for help locating our book in hotmath. I'm curious to see whether or not you all find it helpful. If you wouldn't mind, leave a comment below letting me know... Thanks! :)


Anonymous said...

I found it very helpful!!!!!
Zak Amado

Dylan Brown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jacob friedman said...

Jacob Friedman
Per 3

It is awesome because it shows you the steps of the problems. :)

Cindy said...

It helped me out A LOT!!!Defenintly will use it when I do homework. :)

Dylan Brown said...

Using it now..so far so good!

Per. 4