Thursday, September 15, 2011

Adding Integers - Extra Credit!!! :)

I know I've said it over and over again, but it is crucial that you know how to add and subtract integers. Here's an easy way to practice adding integers... and get some extra credit at the same time! Be responsible for your own learning. If you know that you struggle in this area, keep playing these games until you've mastered the concept! If you practice enough, you WILL get it!

Click here and then choose either Test, Scatter, or Space Race. Leave a comment below with your name, period, the game/activity you chose, and your time/score (time for Scatter, or score for Test or Space Race). This extra credit opportunity is good through next Thursday 9/22... (You don't have to post your very first time/score; you're most likely going to improve with practice. Wait until you're happy with your result - then post!)

***Comments do not get posted immediately - I have to approve them first... Depending on when I get to my computer, it may take some time for the comment to appear

Have fun! :)


Anonymous said...

Cozette Kim
Period 1
Grade 7
I did the test and my grade was 100% :)

Anonymous said...

emilie delauney
period 6
grade 7
i got 100% the first time on the quiz and the 2nd,3rd,4th,and 5th time

Anonymous said...

lukas aksena
grade 7
period 6

Anonymous said...

Max played Space Race to level 13 with a score of 50,990, kills 61 and lives 4 hearts. Not clear what level he should play to. Should we try again?
Schwarz, 4th Period, 7th grade

Anonymous said...

Maddi Utz
Period 6 95% on test

Cindy said...

Cindy Rivas
Period 4
I got 100% on the test! :)

Cindy said...

Cindy Rivas
Per 4
Space Race
Score: 56,360 :)

Dana said...

Dana Morgan
Period 1
Scatter: 39.3 sec.
test: 100%

addy said...

Alex sadra
grade 7
scatter game

Mrs. Gunderson said...

Good job, Cozette, Emilie, and Lukas! And that's great, Max - you got a lot of practice :)

Mrs. Gunderson said...

Maddi, Cindy, Dana, and Alex - very good!

Anonymous said...

Rachel Darling Period 4

Space Race scores;
1. 139,861
2. 142,980
3. 159,960

This game was actually fun. I think it helped me practice.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Shear
Period 4
100% on math test....first try!!

Anonymous said...

Maddi Utz
period 6
80 seconds on scatter ~:)

Anonymous said...

Maddi Utz
period 6
100% on test ~:)

Hannah Galloway said...

Period 3
space race

Anonymous said...

Eric Choy
Per. 4
Test 100


Anonymous said...

Ashley Canchola it was very fun but the deeper you got into the level the harder and the faster problems came Per.6

Cindy said...

The games were lots fun, and it helped me study for the test. :)

Anonymous said...

period 4
space race score:145
test score:100%

Anonymous said...

Emily Ledesma, Period 4 Scatter= 37.9 Seconds Test= 90% =)

Cindy said...

On my grades on infinite campus it doesn't show the extra credit points that I did on Space Race and the test on Sept. 15.

Mrs. Gunderson said...

Cindy (and everyone else) - good question... I am not going to put the extra credit into Infinite Campus until after the due date. Thursday is the last day for people to do it, so I plan to put the points in on Friday.

Anonymous said...

Morgan Jardine, Period 6, Test = 100%

Anonymous said...

Morgan Jardine, Period 6, Scatter = 73.9

Anonymous said...

Christopher Striff
Period 1
Space Race

Anonymous said...

Annaka Vong
Period 3

Anonymous said...

Ian Hagen
Grade 7
Period 6
Test = 100%


TEST: 100% A+

Anonymous said...

Thomas Bambrick
Period 3
Space Race 38,000

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Period 3
Space Race

Anonymous said...

Period 1
Space Race

Anonymous said...

Clarissa Nassar
Period 3
Grade 7
I did the test and got 100% :•]

Anonymous said...

Donovan Bolanos per 1 space race 83,511

Anonymous said...

Luciano Arnone
Per. 1
Space Race: 106,580

Very fun a nice way to get extra credit :^)

Mikayla Hand said...

Mikayla Hand
Period 5
Grade 7
Space Race
Score: 71,170

Anonymous said...

Sofia Holzinger
Period 4
Grade 7
I did the test & got a 100%

Anonymous said...

Garlon Wizzard
7th grade
per 3

Anonymous said...

Brandon Peregrino: Period 4: Test: 100%: 7th grade

Anonymous said...

armen vartanian
period 1
grade 7
space race level 20 108030 points

Anonymous said...

Brandon Peregrino
Grade: 7
Period: 4
Space Race: level:23 kills: 112 Score: 140300

Anonymous said...

Brandon Peregrino
Grade: 7
Scatter time: 52.0 seconds

Anonymous said...

vinnie mendoza
period 6
space race level 24 153450 points

Anonymous said...

Fox smith
period 3
I got 96,550 on space race
(I know its pretty low but i tried hard) :)

Anonymous said...

Kristin Son :)
Time: 38.0 sec.

Anonymous said...

Fox smith
per 3
Hey i just did the test and got 100%

Anonymous said...

Fox smith
per 3
Mrs Shranz, are we allowed to do the extra credit more than once

Mrs. Gunderson said...

Do it as many times as you want - the more you do it, the better you'll get!!! But as far as extra credit goes, I'm just counting one...

Anonymous said...

Julie Smith
period 3
I did space race and scored 106,830!:)

Anonymous said...

Thomas Bambrick
Period 3
test 89% and 100%

Anonymous said...

Period 5
Space Race

Anonymous said...

Period 6
Space Race

Anonymous said...

Period 4
Space Race

Anonymous said...


from 50.2 to 29.6

zak amado

Anonymous said...

period 5
scatter 59.0 seconds
Tessa Delger

sorry last time i forgot to put my name:P

Anonymous said...

William Dahlquist
per 4
Space Race

Anonymous said...


Alex smith

Anonymous said...


100% first try on the test

Zak Amado

Anonymous said...

Maddi Utz
35.3 sec.

Anonymous said...

Molly McAnany
Period 5
Space Race

justin stere said...

Got 100% on the test

Justin stere
Period 1

Anonymous said...

Christine Yoo
per 6
10.25 to 49.02

Anonymous said...

Jacob Spivek
space race
I need to work on typing faster

Anonymous said...

Jacob Spivek

Dylan Brown said...

Dylan Brown
Per. 4
227,870 LIKE A BOSS..The game was cool and i got highscore :)Space race

Anonymous said...

Zak Amado
Per. 1

Oops. I meant Scatter was 29.6

It was addicting!

Anonymous said...

Ali Di Giulio
Period 6
Space Race

Anonymous said...

marty l
per 1
GAME=space race

Anonymous said...

Austin Hall
Period 4
grade 7

Test 90% A-
i am usually bad in math but i just seem to forget everything when it's time for a test. But this show's me i need to study more often.

Dylan Brown said...

23.1 seconds scatter....going for high score on everything!
Per. 4
Dylan Brown

Dylan Brown said...

100% on test...
Dylan Brown
Per. 4
I'm studying..

Unknown said...

Eric Song

I got scatter 31.6~^^

jacob friedman said...

Jacob Friedman
Per 3
Space Race

Anonymous said...

100% on Test!!
Jake Baxter
per 6

Anonymous said...

Sadhika Yamasani
Per. 5
Scatter- 22.3
Test- 100%

Anonymous said...

Austin hall
period 4
grade 7

I just took another test and got -1 so 95%
i have to keep trying to get an A in math
this site is a pretty good site to go on for help
I have to make a new friend called MATH!!! Or else i'll struggle forever. Got to take another test.....

Anonymous said...

Austin hall
period 4

i just got 175 on the learn i got bored and quit
Shout to Dylan Brown Per 4
you are the best math wiz I've ever seen you got all the high scores and that awesome because that show's you you really care!!!!

Anonymous said...

Claire Churpek
Period 4
I took the test and got 100%

Anonymous said...

Daniella Biller
period 4
i commented before and i messed up and wrote scatter when i meant space race! (:
so i played space race and got 52,180

Dylan Brown said...

haha thanks austin im grounded and got a lot of free time on my might as well use it for good