Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas/Holiday Present :)

I'm glad you did your homework and checked the blog!  Two good things will happen as a result :)

#1 You'll get one extra credit point.

#2 I will drop one of your homework assignments.

In order for this to happen, here's what you need to do - and the deadline to do this is Wednesday at 10:00 PM...

Leave a comment below that has your first name and last initial after "Name/URL."  Then in the comment box, post your math period, the title of the assignment you want me to drop, and the date the assignment was due.  (If an assignment was "ex" or "exempt," it means it has no effect on your grade - you don't want to choose that as the assignment you want to drop.  Find the homework assignment with the lowest score and post that.)  Check back to be sure your comment was posted BEFORE the deadline.  If it wasn't posted, it likely means you left something off of your post; reread the directions and try again.

Happy end of the quarter!!!

December 16/17

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Math 8 Answers

I tried posting these earlier - not sure what happened...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013