Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Columbia: due February 2
Thunder: due February 3

~Redo all questions from the 5.1-5.5 Test (on another piece of paper)
~5.6-5.9 20 Odds (5 per section)

***Ch. 5 Test this Thurs/Fri
Remember that this homework is just the minimum... do more if you feel you need more practice!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012


Columbia: due Tuesday 1/31
Thunder: due Wednesday 2/1

pg. 290 #3-10 all, 15-29 odd, 33-35 all, 46-48 all
pg. 295 #5-19 odd

***Chapter 5 Test: February 2nd or 3rd :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Period 6

Period 5

Period 4


Columbia: due Friday 1/27
Thunder: due Monday 1/30

pg. 284 #3-20

***Chapter 5 Test: February 2/3

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Columbia: due Wednesday 1/25
Thunder: due Thursday 1/26

5.1 - 5.5 : 15 Odds (3 odds per section)
pg. 279 #1-17 odd, 28-30 all, 37-39 all

TEST next class: 5.1 - 5.5
***first "A Wall" opportunity of the new quarter :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012


pg. 272 #1-19 odd, 24-26 all
Midtest 5.1-5.5 next Wednesday 1/25

pg. 272 #1-17 odd
Midtest 5.1-5.5 next Thursday 1/26

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Welcome Back :)

Remember that a new quarter means a FRESH START for everyone (grades, demerits, etc.).

Homework: pg. 751 #1-19 all
Columbia (due Thurs. 1/19)
Thunder (due Fri. 1/20)

As I told you in class, I'll be collecting/correcting everyone's homework. Be sure you're referring to the examples in your notes as you do your homework. Start the quarter off with a 100% on your homework!